Completely destroys thebpre-2014 indie rock scene

>Completely destroys thebpre-2014 indie rock scene
>Literally every new indie band people care about are directly influenced by him
>Spawns thousands of clones
>Forces older indie artists to start copying him to stay relevant
>Every indie douchebag dresses and acts like him
>Even normies vibe to his music
>Makes Steely Dan and Haruomi Hosono popular with people under 30

How is Mac DeMarco so powerful?

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He should get a better guitar 3-bolt strats are poop as fuck. The neck pockets are almost always way too loose on them.

>indie rock

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Don't Know but She's Really All I Need deserves more

>Every indie douchebag dresses and acts like him
this. house shows are unbearable now

Mac DeMarco seems like a nice enough guy but his influence on popular music and culture has been so extremely negative that it's hard not to despise him. I still think a lot of the Rock and Roll Nightclub album is good.

He's a Archers Of Loaf rip-off.
He blows.

I don’t know what weird social circles you people think you’re in but indie hasn’t been popular for like ten years, even art hoes in college in 2011 we’re more into ASAP Rocky than this trash

>ITT totally original takes desu

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Archers of Loaf are a Replacements and Pavement ripoff

Damn dude sorry we're not all cool dudes like you

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This shit was going on and criticised for years via Burger Records before his fame. He just became a focus for the discussion because of his success, but all of the pros and cons of his ilk and the countless aloof psych pop surf rock cunts with jazzmasters were an ever-hot topic and their effect on the indie rock scene was bemoaned long before this hack started ripping off 70s Japanese artists.

>Even normies vibe to his music


based and shes really all I need pilled

Yeah he seems like a cool guy but I despise pretty much everything about what he stands for musically

chill, ironic detachment trumps everything.

Who are some artists who sound like Mac from before he broke it big?

why is mrejesus so chad

It's not about explicit sound because Mac's success isn't a result specifically of sound but of sound as part of the package alongside image and appeal. Before 2012-14 when he secured his fame, psych inspired bedrock rock, with particular emphasis on the DIY aesthetic (and more often than not a sort of nostalgic goofiness), was gaining hegemony in the scene, with labels like Burger Records and Mexican Summer packing their rosters with groups like Allah-Las, Part Time, Connan Mockasin, Shannon and the Clams, Washed Out, The Growlers, Ariel Pink and countless others. This snowballed between the mid 2000s to the early 2010s, creating a culture within indie rock in the US totally primed for someone like Mac Demarco to come in and secure greater individual success; Mac Demacro didn't facilitate the changes in the industry, his success was born of prior facilitation. It's certainly magnified the issues of that scene immeasurably, though not through pursuit of style (the style was already established) but through pursuit of success.

Idk why Mac gets lumped in with those people except Conna Mockasin and Ariel Pink. He doesn't make fucking surf rock or even psychedelic rock. He makes old school AM radio soft rock and RnB with a home recorded vibe. No gay hipster pretentiousness, just a dude trying to sound like James Taylor or George Harrison.

His last album sucked very hard
Salad Days was good though

You seem to understand a lot about the scene. Yet you fail to understand that the whole point of an artist or band's appeal is their ability to be a full package act with albums, performances, interviews, and fashion all of which are as important as the next. What you are saying is true of literally everything. Even Einstein was part of a gradual change in thinking. But it's basically meaningless in explaining what makes Mac MAC and why OP is right about his singularity in influence and success.

Because he emerged from the same scene. Of course they don't sound 1:1 but the shtick is the same i.e. the rawness, the lack of pretension, getting back down to earth and heading into the bedroom after indie rock was turned corporatised by the big labels through The Killers, Strokes etc. The indie rock scene was in reflex mode, manifesting in bedroom rock acts and revitalisation of DIY scenes. He came in on Captured Tracks, alongside Girls Names, Beach Fossils, Wild Nothing, Craft Spells, etc. They're all "just a guy making songs in their bedrooms". His ability to sell that is

You're conflating correlation with causation; allowing the effect of an artist to supersede the effects of the scene's trajectory. The "influence" was already underway and the norm within the indie rock scene, he's an embodiment of it not the instigating factor. I'm not arguing his success or his having some influence as result of it, but it's reductive to imagine he's the actual influence for so many. Many artists for example get dragged into being "under his influence" despite existing prior to and alongside him but it's neater pretend there's one thing, one event to stitch a narrative around. It's very far from the whole truth and he's not responsible for even half of the OP's claims, besides maybe the one about Haruomi Hosono and spawning some clones (but even then, "clone" is likely wrongly applied to bands who just sound like him because of the general scene's influence).

Hey fogman may I grip a cig?

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Mac definitely made it cool to smoke again

>this is what passes for a Millenial "rock star"
This generation should hang its collective head in shame.

i bleached it demarco

yeah that sucks he's waht passes for rockstar anymore

ironic because this kid is the biggest Sam Hyde ripoff ever

I don't like it because I found out about Haruomi Hosono several years before Mac Demarco started shilling him.

he had a unique enough sound and fashion style along with a good social media/meme presence. all these helped him blow up

Are you guys all watching Mac's recording technique tutorials?

nice find ive been trying to get his synth sound

LMAO he has vaseline all over his face lol what a nutter, he's such a goofball xD

I mean he's right, I haven't talked to a single person at uni but no-one has heard of Mac DeMarco. All you hear in clubs is that song about boots with tha furrrrr and Dua Lipa.

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> I haven't talked to a single person at uni
lol then stfu
mac demarco is huge with college thots

So does 'Baby's Wearing Blue Jeans'

Not at my uni. UO even has sorority girls posting mac songs on their timelines, his music playing at the campus starbucks, etc. Dude is more popular than any indie musician barring Tame Impala.