Yas Forums, I only found out about the new Fiona Apple album from Fantano threads. I hated Idler Wheel or whatever and haven’t been on Yas Forums for two years.
What a joke website. I haven’t checked them to find out for sure. Metacritic said they gave a 10
I feel like these faggots have never heard of Joni Mitchell
Jordan Mitchell
>it's bad because I don't like it! Not how it works
Owen Turner
This thread was made by a gay
Michael Davis
She got raped so it's an automatic 10.
Grayson Ortiz
I never said it was bad retard. I mean when you hit copy/paste on every influential artist before you it’s easy to make a good album.
You probably got filtered on Aviary by Holter.
Joshua Richardson
Suck fantano's dick harder. I don't think its a 10, but its a decent album an 8.5 for me. Seeing you guys seethe that this got a 10 is something else
Ayden Smith
Adrian Diaz
>I mean when you hit copy/paste on every influential artist before you it’s easy to make a good album. By that logic, then every album would be good
Stop being a retard
Aiden Murphy
fantano is a fag album gets a 6 at best
Luke Parker
Wow you’re fucking retarded Yeah everybody’s going out and copying Joni Mitchell, Julia Holter, Laurel Halo, etc. Great job you fucking failed abortion
Jonathan Cooper
okay I don't really like fiona apple but you have to at least admit that every single night is a banger and one of the most creative pseudo pop songs written in the last decade
Brayden Ward
Nice goalpost shifting
Zachary Peterson
It’s definitely unique but not my taste. You know it’s hilarious I’m listening to it right after Bolt Cutters and I can HEAR how much better of a song it is than anything on Bolt Cutters. And how much more unique it is. Nice LACK OF ANY MUSICAL EXPERTISE OR ARGUMENT, JUST DROPPING A FUCKING FALLACY YOU FUCKING RETARD
John Jones
you type like a redditor maybe sort that out before talking about art
Grayson Rogers
Third thread today. Remember, I will not listen to it until we last a day without posting anything about Fiona Apple. Please stop. Most of us are sick of it.
Josiah Richardson
You type like a teenager who hasn’t had an actual job yet. I have a job in music for fuck’s sake.
Kayden Smith
Also >EXPERTISE I can guarantee I'm more qualified to discuss music than you
Adrian Gray
Do you have a degree in Music?
Wyatt Ortiz
Also none of those women aren't completely unique never done before revolutionists. They have influences. Holter has said her is influences are joni mitchell.
Daniel Butler
Right but I want you to point to me a Joni Mitchell album like Tragedy, Ekstasis, Loud City Song, or Aviary. I intentionally skipped HYIMW
Levi Collins
9/10 doubt there will be a better album this year
William Clark
the fantano shit is silly
its both insane that you can be dragged so hard publicly for not praising a thing but also cringe that his response to the person was "terf much???"
liberal cultural critiques are fucking garbage. im a hard leftist and i find all sides of this dumb as hell
Jackson Young
Okay and... A lot of artist aren't. David Bowie is the first to come to my mind.
William Powell
Three Radiohead albums and a kanye album got a 10 from pitchfork, you're only now realizing pitchfork reviews are awful?
wtf are you even talking about David Bowie never released ANYTHING like those. Heroes was closest with the ENO half of the album. I didn’t visit the website, but I am legit shocked. Like at least MBDTF had new ideas.
Wyatt Ross
I meant aren't unique, but very good.
Robert King
MBDTF is the worst of the lot and that's the one you try and justify? You're no better
Brody Diaz
That’s what I’m saying, is OK Computer and Kid A were reasonable choices for a 10/10. Really Kid A is more reasonable but I’m being charitable. I don’t think they gave a 10 between Kid A and MBDTF. MBDTF is an influential and important release in Hip Hop. There’s still nothing that touches its production. Can you say that about Bolt Cutters? Fucking really?
Grayson Price
how is he sucking off fantano when he just said he saw threads. hes not agreeing w/ him.
Colton Lee
>this is what women actually believe
Kevin Price
I think both albums are very good but I think Kid A is so much better than OK Computer that it wouldn't make any sense to give both an equal score.
Michael Johnson
nice non-argument
Asher Jenkins
He'd come out of this with far more support if he weren't making a fool of himself and getting sucked into their game.
Isaiah Jenkins
>le reddit boogeyman xD
rent free bitch
Kevin Ross
the crazy part is he gave it a 7, which is basically praise, just not enough for obnoxious twitter cunts
Brody Peterson
>Metacritic said they gave a 10 That's not exactly how Metacritic works, they're an aggregator site, the most they do is give a brief informational summary of an album under the "weighted" rating. I'm guessing you haven't looked at any reviews for this album if you just found out about it, because this album is getting a stupid amount of praise from mainstream media. Out of the 23 critic reviews from different outlets gathered on Metacritic, there are eleven 100's (including Pitchfork), ten in the 90's range, and two 80's. The lowest one that I know of that isn't on the site is a 60 from the Irish Times, which is on the album's Wikipedia page. Also if you're wondering, Yas Forums spammed the Pitchfork 10 on half the board for like two days but it died down a lot faster because not many people care about meming Pitchfork anymore and rightfully so.
Wyatt Gutierrez
Girl Power! How does it feel to be raped by Women??
Landon Ramirez
See after I found out about this I went to rbt.asia to check what the Pitchfork thread was like. HOLY SHIT, there wasn’t even a P4k thread made for the night because apparently P4k threads are dead?! Maybe I should come back here! That’s exciting!