Is she the new George Harrison?

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Dear god, she reaching a George point nine on the Harrisonometer

no you are not Natalie

Her music is just as boring, but then again George could actually play the guitar and give meaning to his songs. I guess if her ego stopped being stroked for a minute on all the similarities they share, she could write a decent song, and maybe play the guitar skilfully

Why are you so mean to Natalie? I thought she was /ourgirl/

No female musician is fit to lace based Georgie's boots.

As in she's constantly cheating on her partner with everybody else's spouses?

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what was going on in the mind of that twisted little gnome

>when you cheat on your wife so much that she eventually cheats on you with your best mate and it destroys you inside but you get over it eventually and get back to cheating on your new wife

Hare Krishna
Krishna, Krishna

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Bizarre individual, Lennon too. Bloody Liverpudlians.

>"He was teaching me how to cut and eat steak, which was a mystery to me at age 4; how to stick the fork in and cut behind it, and that was how you got a piece in your mouth,” writes Sean, 32, whose mom is Yoko Ono. “I think it was that night when he got very upset with me, I think because of something I did very cheekily with the steak. He did wind up yelling at me very, very loudly to the point where he damaged my ear, and I had to go to the hospital."

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What a freak.

Blatantly ripping off Harrison

>omg harrison literally invented lap steel guit donnut steel guys its his OC
Give real arguments or kindly fuck off

>implying people don't do it because of him


Based george

Weyes Blood is so boring
>mediocre singer
>mediocre instrumentation
>medicore lyricist
there's literally nothing exceptional about her at all.

>mediocre singer
>mediocre instrumentation
Not true btw, she has the voice of an angel and the instrumentals are very beautiful

Yas Forums used to like Weyes Blood, what happened?

Agreed. Someone like Holter is 10 times more interesting.

giv nattie gf

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Is she a dyke?

I'd George her Harrison if you know what I mean

I don't think so

Sounds like you've got your mind set on her


Its fucking Jonathan Rado. why are you faggots so surface level. can any of you do the MINIMUM due diligence to consume the medium

Too popular

What should I listen instead