Were you surprised hayley's solo work flopped?

were you surprised hayley's solo work flopped?
people are being so mean to her

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they are just butthurt that it isn't Paramore or their shitty soundcloud rapper releasing stuff

>white girls using sassy black woman gifs on twitter
why do they do this

cause facebook meme culture

remember when rihanna mogged tf out of hayley that one time?

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I don't think anyone has reliable numbers to say whether or not it flopped
But given the first two or three singles she released, I was not surprised that my circle of friends didn't enjoy it
To me, it sounded like she was putting a lot of effort into trying to create a unique sound, rather than creating a sound that appeared unique naturally

Culture vultures, they call them.

because as long as they post an anti-racist rant they can continue to look at black people as cartoon characters


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or maybe, just maybe, she used the image because it fit.

she is /ck/

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One day, she'll realize that Paramore back in the day was the best it has ever been. She will likely just fade away and try to be a judge on The Voice or something.

Why do people like this bitch she seems insufferable

Come on, man. Go on twitter and look around some hashtags that white liberal females would use. The reaction gifs are almost always black women. Don't you think its odd that other races are pretty much never represented? It's always "And that's that on THAT (gif of s black woman doing some exaggerated hand clap or some shit)"
I'm not saying its some kind of malicious, organized campaign, but it's pretty prevalent.
You can say I'm projecting, and maybe you'll have a point, but I do encourage you to at least try to notice that black women are frequently used as props.
And all this is coming from a pretty liberal white dude


>that kid now

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wtf i thought rihanna was short too

>hayley's solo work flopped?
Really? How? The album isn't out yet.

i miss when she had an actual personality and wasn't milquetoast twitter feminist #31564371

the tl'dr is

sweet little Hayley

i wish watching a movie would turn me into NWA-era Ice Cube

hayley is an unironic midget

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America is such a strange place.

and then you’d turn into an 80’s pop star

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white women be like kids at a zoo
>wow look at the little black boy doing people things i cant stop looking omg this is everything

What's my final form?

I don't know if it's a for sure flop but it is interesting seeing how each video from the EP on Youtube has progressively getting about half the total views of the previous video, interesting. Simmer has 4.5M views, Cinnamon has 2.2M, Leave it Alone has 1.6M.