
beer & mosh edition
FAQ: pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt

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melodeath sucks

albums only one letter long? I'll start
helps this album is pretty fucking good too, i missed it when it came out, i'm excited for utgard now

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Bongtower fucking sucks. Fuck whoever recced that dogshit.

Municipal Waste sucks
Lich King sucks

Post documentaries about bands, genres, labels, festivals, scenes etc. Metal and punk related and preferably not shit tier.


Does anyone have any interesting concert experiences? I was hoping to see one of my favorite metal bands in concert but then covid killed it.

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give me some constructive feedback guise

New Paradise Lost track


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>preferably not shit tier
but you posted slave to the grind
it's a good 10 minute doc about repulsion then it's meandering shit

the only interesting experience I've had was having pig's blood spilled on me during a Watain concert

fuck off

>not liking blackened Opeth

what the fuck are you on about

roman edition

Yeah, I would categorize Municipal Waste as "party metal". Like if I was having people over it's what I would play but I wouldn't listen to it on my own.

Coming out in a week

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Last 7 days, you ask?

Judas Priest - 3 plays
Dream Theater - 3 plays
Blind Guardian - 2 plays
DragonForce - 98 plays

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Got dragged to Baby Metal thinking I'd hate it and ended up having a blast

We have one Negru already. We don't need a second one.

opeth sucks too
enslaved has been shit for more than 20 years


>98 plays of dragonforce

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I love this band because it makes RYm trannies seethe

Honestly, just filter the cunt. He is not worth the effort

Come on, man. Don't be like that. If you don't like some band, you don't have start to argue about tastes. It doesn't lead anywhere. Just ignore the bands you don't like, and discuss the stuff you like.

What a shit take

Actual shit opinion. Please dilate.

>98 plays
That's fucking nothing, are you so poor that your pc can't handle playing music while you're shitting up this general?

yea i know, not messing with him anymore

Yes I also think it's not good as I explicated in the previous thread but if you think it's shit tier then you REALLY have to lower your standards.

More like Parasite Bored

>black metal

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It's Notorious Virgin off-trip, don't fall for his obvious bait

This is saddest attempt at humor I've seen.

>opeth sucks too
Only retards and TRVE KVLT fags say that
>enslaved has been shit for more than 20 years
This confirms you're a retard. Case dismissed.

Were you in LA? I saw the same thing happen when they opened up for Mayhem in LA. Revenge played too but that was awful.

>beer & mosh edition
post your best party thrash you fucks

Breathe grease!

I thought it was alright, if not a little mediocre. The bits with Anal Cunt were annoying. We get it, they said mean things, I don't need some shitter with dreads telling me that they were rude.

Met and talked to Michael Amott, Mike Smith and Anders Bjorler. I asked Smith what he tried to achieve with his music or something like that and he said "To be understood". He also talked about learning violin and that he liked classical music. Amott was a bit standoffish, I told him Carnage ruled and he seemed pissed, guess he expected me to praise Arch Enemy or something but it was the Carcass reunion tour so I don't know what his deal was. At a Children of Bodom show they made fun of the French language and got a lot of boos.

The one per thread post:
Community made /meal/ playlist.
We standing at 1399 songs - 111hr 59min playtime
>Recommend me albums/bands you wish to see on the playlist
>Dragonforce and Hatebreed free playlist

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I think they did that at all their decibel tour shows

Idk if you are the dude I replied to but yes I agree. Here is my blogpost I mentioned if you give a shit

Opeth's MAYH is slightly blackened, slightly jazzy Morbid Angel with occasional Ulver sections and Comus passages. Only complete homo fag could dislike that album.


Shiitake, DragonForce songs are 8 minutes long. So really you could double it to get what a normal band plays.

i'm not nigger void.

lol you're acting like disliking opeth and enslaved is unusual around here

Sodom M-16 is good


Can you add Enslaved - What Else Is There

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Fucking hell, I liked that shit youtube.com/watch?v=UxGjWAfEf7Y