/prod/ - Music Production General

We Ableton Now Edition

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Attached: 63Q2z5XxazVxxwR4f53j5G-1024-80.jpg (850x478, 62.62K)

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Anyone want any tips?


thoughts on my ambient /prod/

lmao, r2r cracked the meme eq

what's the meme eq?


they've actually lowered the price on it, making it less meme-worthy, but it used to be $990.


Attached: Absolutely NOT Snake Oil.png (545x702, 873.9K)

the nfo on the release is quite lel worthy as well.
if i gave a shit about reason i'd be excited.

Attached: RaggedFlee_3d084c7.jpg (622x120, 71.83K)

This guy is a hack.

lol, kinda nice to have a spectrogram in there but i'll stick with pro q3

t b h, if i need something nicer than q3 i just reach for equilibrium. i'm sure this thing sounds fine but i doubt i even have the gear or room to be able to hear an benefits it might theoretically have.

r2r do need to push out a fix for their fabfilter release tho. the last one they put out time bombed on a bunch of people recently.

How to get decent lo-fi sounding vocals please?
All I'm doing at the moment is drenching it in space designer on logic

Layer vocals with reverbs, pitch shift, izytope vinyl for warp and static
Idk what you mean

how to make music like the disintegration loops

thoughts on this?
drum n bass, breakcore, plunderphonics

>want vocals in my music because vocals are great
>not a lyrics-person who ever really pays attention to them though and i have literally nothing to write about
what do

Daily reminder that nobody needs anything except a laptop and stock fl studio/Ableton/logic to make pretty much anything

you can't just use drum breaks and then have literally every beat on the 1 2 3 4 dumbass

How do you guys get some excitment out of your hi hats? Mine always sound boring.

Attached: 1587608407046.jpg (1024x1024, 80.29K)

What the fuck... I might as well buy some cheap used EQ for that much.

Vocalise without lyrics.

Not anything but lots of things.

Haven't listened but a) hithats are a supportive element any b) try light modulation like chorus or phasing c) program off the grid and make use of velocity d) use multiple samples e) lightly automate pitch, filter, attack, decay

This is way better than it should be for a shitposter on Yas Forums

I've been jamming on my minilogue XD. Ended up refunding Ableton and just sticking to lite after not touching it since I got the XD. It appears lite is sufficient for what I'm doing anyways.

Thanks for the tips on the hi hats user.
Hmm, thanks I guess :) I've got more shit on here (don't want to vocaroo because my upload speed sucks and don't want to wait like 3 mins for each to finish)

drunk me made this and I kinda like it

Attached: bat soup dance2.webm (304x416, 1.66M)

would you guys make better music? jeez

>Thanks for the tips on the hi hats user.
they were good tips, try them out. also you could try setting velocity to change the values of things like pitch, filter, attack, decay etc
it's easier if you load the sample into a sampler and program in midi instead of laying audio files on the timeline. i see many vids and pics of people putting drums on the timeline but imo it is a bad practice

Can someone recommend me a sax VST that doesn't sound like absolute shit? Edirol Orchestra alto sax and any DSK shit sounds terrible.

Which MIDI controller keybords hav great keys?

I can tell


You're welcome. One other I'd add is using compression to change the groove; either with the hat signal itself and/or sidechained from the kick.

Does anybody else feel like every good song they made was an accident (impostor syndrome)?
How to deal with it?