Album covers that are aesthetically pleasing

Albums that look cool and make you feel good

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Attached: Castaways.jpg (320x312, 18.1K)

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Something about it just feels awesome
Like the rush you feel on MDMA or opiates

Attached: sweettrip_velocitydesigncomfor_7x23.jpg (1000x1000, 1.16M)

Good Album OP
Good Thread OP
Here's my Contribution

Attached: a3690679937_10.jpg (1200x1200, 417.32K)

I could stare at this cover for hours

Attached: Shingetsu.png (540x541, 397.71K)


Attached: blackmidi__Schlagenheim.jpg (600x600, 95.9K)

rate my list

that's cool yeah

Attached: Dreamfish.jpg (500x500, 11.17K)

Attached: adsad.jpg (700x700, 133.68K)

Stop pretending you've done opiates you daft cunt.

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Playing with this band was an incredibly unpleasant experience lol

Hate this album cover.

Just realising that most albums I think look cool actually make me depressed

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how did she get her hair to do that flippy thing

Attached: TalkingHeadsRemaininLight.jpg (300x300, 70.59K)


You could order an extra sleeve in the mail for free and cut it out to assemble a 3D model of the band's bus. :-)

Attached: gonefishin.jpg (500x500, 82.43K)

very nice

I can't explain it bros. I love how it just looks. I feel like my soul is being pierced

Attached: large_550_tmp_2F1535577412614-a698az9v30w-4de1f5249b946c4c534aa5e25102081a_2FMIGNONNE+-+Taeko+Onuki.jpg (550x550, 117.15K)

OK, Karen

Not this weird chuuni shit for sure

based cindyposter
best ITT by far

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Right before dm covers became shit

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Attached: Forca_Bruta.jpg (300x300, 20.83K)

That album cover makes me feel uneasy and not good at all.

Attached: 220px-Pt_deadwing.jpg (220x220, 15.28K)