Is he socially conservative/economically socialist?

Is he socially conservative/economically socialist?

Attached: photo-of-morrissey-and-smiths.jpg (1200x1200, 133.99K)

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i think he's a lame nerd

For Britain supports low taxes and free market economy though

He's getting tired and mostly lay in his bed.
He was pro uk right stuff.

So more like Right-Libertarian?

He's a hardcore socialist and anti-monarchist, but culturally identifies more with the right.

no, but i am

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wow he’s just like me

Just taken his positions from the last 4 years he is:
>anti-gun, or at least pro-gun control
>anti-donald trump
>anti-hillary clinton
>pro-bernie sanders
>anti-mass immigration
>anti-meat consumption
>anti-sadiq khan
>anti-emmanuel macron
>pro-trans rights
>pro-morgoth's review
>pro-brexit, or more correctly anti-eu
>believes that everybody prefers their own race
>believes that hitler was left-wing
>is a christian
>says he spearheaded the gender fluid movement

he is a contrarian, and has been since the smiths. if you think otherwise you are likely retarded.

so in a word he's based

Literally only disagree with the gun stance. Love you moz

or for the rest of us

>Anti Sadiq Khan
hell yeah, when he threw Jez under a bus was when I realised I hated his guts

morrissey and roger waters keep me from going insane.

wow sounds like a fucking nazi pos

what kind of nazi is pro trans and pro bernie

>wow sounds like a fucking nazi pos

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being "socially conservative" while also being "economically socialist" is contradictory

literally me


The Smiths is like the most prole band name ever.

no it isn’t why would you think that

do you retards not recognize sarcasm without an /s at the end

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Yas Forums nazis

Not the same thing - Morrissey just wants to rile up controversy. He is likely non-partisan, but many of things he says just seem to be for the shock-factor. Tongue-in-cheek statements made without any real thought behind them that people, for some reason, take as gospel.

Its not sarcasm

>more than Men At Work

Sounds based.

he cute

Attached: 1_VS_MEN_030320_MORRISSEY_08.jpg (1200x900, 168.67K)

Wait what?

he's trad left

"traditionalists" are pro gay rights?

Yeah. The word prole literally comes from prolific or having many offspring and so using Smith which is the most common last name basically has same meaning

i think tarl made that post user

No, but he seems culturally conservative. Conservative in a British way not American version.

british werent very pro homosexuality historically
see oscar wilde, alan turing, etc.

what the fuck are you talking about, you’re very wrong

Me :)

yes, he posted videos of his numerous times to his site:
and mentioned him during a concert one time:
>He simply said: «Do you know Styxhexenhammer66» like 4 times. And then, when no one said yes, he ended with: «OK». That’s it!
he also did the same with faith goldy:

Wrong about what? I'm talking more about the literal word proletarian than the Marxist theory of the people who don't own capital.