Leech or not to leech?

Leech or not to leech?

Attached: file.png (244x206, 15.87K)

Just set your upload folder the same as your download folder.

take as much as you want
the only file i make available is a .pdf titled "my greatest Yas Forums posts"
Nehemiah 8:10
"Then he said to them, “Go, eat of the fat, drink of the sweet, and send portions to him who has nothing prepared; for this day is holy to our Lord. Do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” = download as much as you want

We ban for that. It's easy to tell too.

it takes like 5 minutes to sort your downloads folder and then yknow.. you cant..

wait, why?
i share all the music i download. why that's a reason to be banned?

He's a cunt that's why

p2p is not centralized lmao no ones banning anyone besides a few hyperautists (no one would want their music anyways). So long as like 1% reshare their download folders then copies of music that was originally shareable only to those who shared would be available to all regardless. just at look at the recent coronavirus models of virulity - but here its freedom slowly spreading on all music and god punishing the avarice of non-sharers

the lord also said that the seeder is beloved to the father

"You shall bring out much seed to the field but you will gather in little"
Deuteronomy 28:38
god has spoken

just share a text file or a 30 second noise track

fine enjoy my unorganized single folder music collection idiot

I share my music folder and almost no one downloaded anything

>sharing one track from a shitty Hopsin album

Attached: sassy.jpg (1280x720, 76.34K)

Also banned.

you do it for free?

"For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed for ever. "
>seed for ever
genesis 13:15

I enjoy it. I just turned off all my shares because of this thread. Thanks to you rude leeches nobody's getting any files from me for a week. What a shame.

no one cares, lol

I've been using slsk for 6 years and I've never shared any of my music. I've only been banned a handful of times, at which point I just get the album from either another user or somewhere else on the internet.

I have almost 500,000 files. Somebody cares lol. I have plenty of rare files too, all kinds of things. But thanks to you that's all stopping for a week.

Based, same here.


i share a single png pic of dog poop lol

No, it's just me against the world. Fuck y'all. I treat you all equally.

my share folder is just Swans - Deliquescence in 320. it's my rarest album, everything else can be easily found elsewhere


Make it a month then

Share your username so that everyone here can ban you, nigger

my shared folder used to be a single stock photo of a guy doing a :O face at the camera but after a while people started blocking me while i was in the middle of downloading their files. i decided to change my delinquent ways and share my full library after some fucker who was the ONLY guy with a decent quality recording of a particular Lift to Experience live set sent me a snarky message and blocked me while i was in the middle of downloading it. i never did get those files, the bastard

If you don't share your whole folder you are scum.
Nothing beats watching someone download a fantastic album from you. I look at the download bars fill and know they'll have a good time.

>I just turned off all my shares because of this thread. Thanks to you rude leeches nobody's getting any files from me for a week.
I did the same thing, except forever. They will be locked to strangers, and only people who have a good history of sharing would be allowed to ask for permission to download from me.

Letting you know that I share everything I have to everyone and hate people like you. I boycott everyone who has any trade-only/permission-required files whatsoever, regardless of what else they may have, and I urge everyone here to do so as well.