It feels like Jane's Addiction often get overlooked in discussions about classic alternative bands

It feels like Jane's Addiction often get overlooked in discussions about classic alternative bands.

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I fondly remember this song being on the radio hen I was a kid but that's all I know about them

he come to me with money in his hand I didn't ask him

It's because they're seen as kind of this half step between Guns n Roses and Red Hot Chili Peppers. Cock rock bands make soibois seethe.

Why does lollapalooza suck now?

cause they had pure 90's energy and didn't have their lead singer commit sewer slide, not cementing their legacy via death. media didn't latch onto them to catapult them into the new decade.

I listened to jane says for the first time yesterday and started crying while I made coffee

They're far better than either of those bands. Don't class them with that buttrock.

Three Days is Goat.

Dave Navarro was also the best RHCP guitarist.


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they transcended the media and pretty much do whatever they want

shut the fuck up you cock sucking retard

Dave completely exhausted his creativity on Ritual De Lo Habitual, his work with RHCP sucked.

One hot minute
One big mob

These are all great


Best second rate Lead Blimp rip off EVAH!

They had an extreme amount of talent, but could only create two great albums before they collapsed on themselves from the constant infighting and drug use. Those two albums are still some of my faves though

Discovered them just recently. Incredible band. The missing link between GnR and grunge. Both Nothing's Shocking and Ritual de lo Habitual are excellent albums and the latter is one of the best records I've listened to in a long time. So ambitious: Three Days and Then She Did are like classic prog/psych but darker and filther. Of Course has klezmer violin. It's insane.

I think Dave Navarro is a great example of the importance of 'frontmen' in rock music. I like One Hot Minute and his work with Eric Avery on Deconstruction, but Perry Farrell, megalomaniac that he was, was the one who provided the vision, focus, and mystique to Jane's Addiction. Deconstruction is 72 minutes of unfocused ideas—Navarro's a great player but without Farrell it's just a showcase for a bunch of awesome alt rock riffs and solos. Conversely Pornos for Pyro never assembled the same kind of raw talent that gave substance to Perry Farrell's mystic messianic Dionysus routine.

I love Janes

although I also get a weird sex cult vibe from them
I think theyre also not talked about because they kinda suck now
they had 2 good albums (not counting their debut live album)

cmon lad
deconstruction is an amazing album and perry's solo shit is meh - like porno for pyros songs have great potential but they never hit the mark - its kinda tragic

>deconstruction is an amazing album and perry's solo shit is meh - like porno for pyros songs have great potential but they never hit the mark - its kinda tragic
Read my post again because that's effectively what I said.

Their 97 Hammerstein ballroom show is so cool


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too LA for grunge, too alt for the sunset strip

One of the funniest things I saw was a YouTube video where some girls said NO Age sound like Jane's Addiction

Walkabout was great.

No idea why people are talking about GNR, grunge and Chili Peppers. They're nothing like any of those.

no you didnt - you called Avery's album unfocused and said perry provided the vision

hAVE one on me

No, you're still just misreading my post. These things aren't mutually exclusive: Deconstruction is great but unfocused; Perry provided the mystic 'image' and vision of Jane's Addiction but Pornos for Pyros didn't have the talent to bring life to Farrell's ideas. I'm marginally more critical of Deconstruction but you effectively just rephrased what I said.

but its not unfocused - its an entirely unified conceptual whole

learn to write better

have some sex