Ok but thoughts on her earlier albums?

just wondered what you all thought of her discography as a whole, if you never liked her or did up until fetch the bolt cutters or still do, etc. etc.

Attached: other albums.jpg (360x360, 44.92K)

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it's mediocre, but on the better side of mediocre.

i've only heard the first album and it was pretty good jazzy pop stuff

I loved When The Pawn but everything else does nothing for me.

proto-Joanna Newsom but worse

this is your brain on memes

its true though.

Yes Joanna Newsom is also known for her jazzy voice and piano heavy instrumentals

kill yourself retard

She's more closely related to Ella Fitzgerald than Newsom

Idler Wheel is one of my favorite albums and I love extraordinary machine, but her sound feels diluted on the other rtwo albums for me.

I got into her about nine years ago and I've listened up to Extraordinary Machine in addition to the new album. Tidal is pretty good. When the Pawn... is really good and my favourite of her records. Extraordinary Machine didn't do much for me.

The new album isn't as good as her '90s work IMO. Some interesting ideas but in other ways feels like a retread of what she and her contemporaries did twenty five years ago. With that said, feel like I should finally listen to The Idler Wheel.

she doesn't sound much like Newsom at all to me. the piano focus and jazz/showtunes influence distinguish it heavily from her, and her voice is much less fey and lofty.

Not to be argumentative but could you be more specific about what exactly she's retreading? I've seen this brought up a bunch with little to no specificity and I'm curious what you see that as

You are a fucking idiot and a low IQ, mouth-breathing baboon.

t. seething low-t numales who listen to female singer songwriters whine about men

t. dummy who can't tell genres apart

I made a long post about it yesterday, so I'm not going to go into exhaustive detail again, but fundmentally it just sounds very '90s to my ears in its themes and approach, without bringing much new to table. The sparse, percussive sound isn't experimental enough to extend its reach, but nor do many of the pieces really resolve into effective pop songs, so it's a bit middling and unresolved at times. Fantano articulated something similar.

Meanwhile, the lyrics are just very, very alternative nation, and if you've listened to her along with Tori, Liz Phair, etc., you should know what I mean by that. I don't expect her to suddenly pop out a concept album about space exploration or something Bjorkian like that, but still. The more confessional pieces like Shameika and the title track, as well as the character portrait of Heavy Balloon were the highlights for me.

Loved all her stuff up to now (particularly Tidal).

FTB is so disappointing.

It sounds like a collection of (very) rough demos than a proper album.

Attached: 1579565088693.png (1022x731, 642.76K)

When The Pawn's probably her best work, I agree. I've always had a soft spot for Extraordinary Machine tho

I guess if she's retreading anything, it's that the new album thematically isn't anything that new for Fiona: loneliness, being angry at men, etc. Instrumentally too it's actually pretty similar to the Idler Wheel? She already did stuff with makeshift percussion and jazzy arrangements there. But I guess this album is just retreads them "better", that's where the praise comes from

vro what are you talking about. they couldn't be more different on the spectrum of singer songwriters? fiona's songs are much more aggressive

I like all of her discog. I've been listening to her for years after being recommended Idler Wheel on here.

Personal Ranking:

I don't even see FTB as an overly political album. I take it as a more personal project and enjoy it's "basement tapes" style production. It's grown on me the more I listen to it, and I had the same experience with Idler.

It's sad that there will never be an honest discussion of her work anymore on here.

Pawn > Fetch > Idler > EM > Tidal

Tidal is fine but I much prefer Hermetic Dog Mom Wine Aunt Fiona to Teen Lolita MTV Waif Fiona

That said, I have a lot of nostalgia for When the Pawn ...

imaging being this filtered by women

bad face, bad voice, bad music, bad poetry, industry plant, worthless fucking promoter of child abuse (aka sexual degeneracy, which leads to the suffering of children more than anything else)

OK but enough about Billie Eilish

Yes that's exactly what she was back in the day and I tried fapping to her 160x120 .mov sweaty porn-for-young-teenage-boys music video that took up 20% of my hard drive but it was floppy, her face too sleepy and dog-like

>spitting fake facts about child molestation to pwn an established singer

Her worst album is her first one, and it's still very good, and an impressive achievement for a teen singer song writer, could have been a 10/10 6 songs ep.

All her other albums are very good, but imo, they all oscilate between 8 and 9, I wouldn't give 10 to any. When the Pawn and Idler Wheel seem the best ones to me.
She is nothing like Joanna Newsom. Joanna (whom I love) is a folk musician, she is also nothing like Tori, Tori is a piano rock musician. Fiona has always been very jazz influenced, Billie Holliday style, her mother was a Broadway singer, so she got that musical education. I think her sister is a singer too and they sang together in Hot Knife, a song from Idler Wheel that sounds a lot like her last album.


Her face is weirdly assymetrical. She looks like she's been in an accident. It weirds me out.

Tidal > Idler Wheel > When the Pawn > EM (Jon Brion mix) > EM (official release)

O'Sailor and Hot Knife are some of her best songs but EM and Idler Wheel aren't very worthy as albums, they're ok. Tidal and When the Pawn are really great borderline truly fantastic albums. When the Pawn is the best one overall, even though she really doesn't change at all from Tidal, it's just that sound perfected and every song is great.

Leave Joanna Newsom out of this

Pawn > Idler = FTBC > EM (Brion) = Tidal > EM
Fast As You Can is her best song

Johnathan and Werewolf are great