Why don't men like hayley's new album?

why don't men like hayley's new album? twitter.com/yelyahwilliams/status/1252267867724275712

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its shit
hang yourself soon

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Cry me a river bitch

wow. slay qveen.

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So when is the onlyfans dropping?

not sure what happened after laughter but it feels like she's fallen into a woke crowd lmao

>Makes shitty lyrics that only teenage girls can relate to
>Makes music so pedestrian.
Wow i wonder why men dont like it

Why don't women like monty python or david lynch films?

They have smaller brains.

Bitch, instead of still writing teen angst songs in your 30s you better get in the kitchen and make babies before your ovaries dry up completely.

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I don't listen to music made by women. Especially not by white women.

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fuck, twitter really is insufferable. Its like reddit on steroids

Nobody cares about this mentally ill has been

She looks like Johnny Winter

It's basically reverse Yas Forums


But I do, user.

it's all south american gays responding to her posts. holy fuck

bolsonaro was right

No interest in opening this link, but I liked the first half of her EP. Her album has potential.

Maybe they hate the sound? It's synthy, but has none of the hooks of After Laughter. It's just bland synth gunk.

Hayley is seriously slaying her "solo" career. This plus her being so open about the depression she faced in the midst of making writing the tracks, and her response to that comment about hanging herself in that room after making a fun & not too serious workout to her fun song.

>community is 99% ass licking turbofans that hang off your every word
>pretend some people said something that isn't even mean but that you just "didn't ask for" so you can dab on them for the kudos
finally someone speaks TRUTH to POWER

>why don't men like hayley's new album?
maybe because men, white men see shit like this....and are like "yeah, no"?

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Hello, based department?

So it's men's fault the album failed? No it's not, it's because it's 2020.It was a hot pile of garbage and the "too quirky 4 u" videos added insult to injury.

>you better get in the kitchen and make babies
With me.

isn't nearly every man on Twitter a gay man too? are gay men trolling her on her hugbox platform? I don't understand this latest drama at all, it's always something with this lady

It's really easy to spot an american when they post race bait shit like this (or a swede, you decide)

wow she even kneeled
how based is that? think she's seen the wakanda movie?

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Damn, even gay men hate it? That's hilarious.
It's just Yas Forums being retarded.