Pick your poision Yas Forums

pick your poision Yas Forums

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forming your own opinion regardless of what others think

His fanbase is siding with P4K so I'm going with Melon Head for maximum salt

i pick siding with myself and saying they're all dumb and stupid lol

Not siding with anyone, but I agree with Fantano's review more. White women are a cancer and the album was okay

not listening to overhyped trash to begin with

your opinion is inevitably on one of these sides. you either think its amazing or dont, thus, no matter how independent your opinion is, you're on one side of this coin

I side with Fantano on this one
I love seeing women seethe


If I had to pick, I'd go with fantano

No not really you fucking idiot. There's always the "I really don't care" or "I don't know about it" option.

thats not an opinion though. thats just a lack of opinion.

>forming your own opinion regardless of what others think
>Yas Forums

The side that's melting down over an "okay" rating on an album that IS just "okay" by a dude who's opinions literally don't matter is far more cancerous.

I agree with Fantano. I liked it, but it could have been way better if the ideas on the record had been presented more interestingly.

I believe that it's worse than 7

you're still on fantano's side in the eyes of this board

like, if hypothetically someone is holding a gun to my head and i HAVE to pick one, fantano.

i don't like his fans and the fact that he's blown up so much but i don't mind the guy himself.
plus the album didn't do much for me

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Quads of truth

Quints speak facts

watching deep cuts instead

If you think that an opinion is a black and white thing, then you also think that your dad is gonna come back home one day


not even quints kek

an opinion is not a black and white thing, but the side of this coin your opinion falls on is. you're either viewed as someone who doesn't think this is the best album of the last 7 years (fantano-drone) or someone who does (p4k cuck). pick. your. poision.

>everyone in this thread unironically arguing about these two choices
>meanwhile I'm over here listening to Scaruffi-core like

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based but also retarded

I'm not paid to be a critic so "it wasn't made with me in mind so i don't like it" is all i have to say. album by a woman was made to appeal to other women? great. i'm not a woman. not for me. as far as some random person goes thats a good enough opinion

>reddit letter media
shoo back to


>caring about e-celeb drama
>caring about literal whos on twatter
God who the fuck cares. I'd rather kill myself than pick a button.