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Attached: pizza cub.gif (498x280, 1.51M)

>roller blade concept


Attached: 1567410644720.jpg (1080x1350, 195.21K)

For me, it's RV.

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no other group gonna pull shit like this. it's jihyo 100%


Jihyo is talented and beautiful.
Why the hate?

Attached: jihyo.jpg (736x1281, 166.93K)

Everything on top

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momo throwing a tantrum if heechul doesn't get to cuddle with her on the plane

wendy looks disgusted lmao

wh*te girls mentioned

Hawaiian or Supreme

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hold up now

exactly we all know she has a personal sns just like all of Twice haha


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Would your waifu eat food with cum on top?
Be honest.

Four cheeses

If you guys were actually smart you'd realize how narrow the criteria is for who could possibly be involved.

The group went on tour early this year, this had to have happened between Jan 1st and Mid March because mid march is when covid came to a head.

The group has to be famous enough to have someone write a blind item about them.

The only groups who went on a tour early this year were EG and Idle.

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big tits and t-rex arms don't go well together

the fact you can't view doesn't mean she doesn't have them
I'm sorry user

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chicken, bacon, pepperoni

>some user suggest lovelyz
>first result 11mil views
>eh let's start with the most popular
>sort by views
Wow compared to Blackpink and Twice other groups are really jack aren't they?

ima ima ima roller girl


the organizers of the event saw it so it's obviously a public account

does she know what it is

>beginning of the year
>uploaded on personal sns

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something with basil

Attached: 09h.jpg (1280x1920, 220.9K)

She looks like she has an attitude.

ok so literally who?

Is the usa an exotic location

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too nugu to get bfs
(not to mention bringing them along)
who's the b*tch in the group?

Attached: EWHvJX1U0AEX7Ag.jpg (1559x2000, 1.72M)

>event performance in an exotic location

im tired of these muthafuckin pornstars in my muthafuckin kpop

oogie you boyfriend having WHORE

imagine this was oh my girl's concept

nigga isn't it 1 am there

the group has to have boyfriends

Attached: wony awwwww.jpg (800x1200, 119.96K)

I hope this is bait


I wish I was John Cena