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Other urls found in this thread:

not that guy but it's the thing for people who are too retarded to cook and prefer eating literal shit that some guy just done cum into while the shift manager wasn't looking
well you do you

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Yas Forums fucking sucks dick

Why are they deleting threads again?

reminds me of your mom lol

this is the thread

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because wizcuck posting started

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not even trying

will this one get deleted as well?

>talks about the nsa backdoor
>suddenly thread gets deleted
>nsa proven to be a blackstink honeypot!

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don't post pictures bigger than 200kb please

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Am i the only guy here who doesn’t brush his teeth? Last time I did was when I was 15, almost 11 years ago

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I just want to lick Sihyeon's pits and insert my tongue in all of her orifices. Is that so wrong.

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nice pit

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You must be fan of group I don't like

stop deleting threads!!!

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>3.0mb of a ugly goat

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still the assblast permeates from threads of yonder

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it works for chuu

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I laugh every time someone tries to defend KPG.
People are jumping into the conversation to defend a place full of mentally ill people and braindead coomers.

based chingu

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do white people really shower once a week?


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life sucks

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my only friends are all here :/
chincha wony

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what habbened

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I'm not defending anything schizo
which head in your voice construed it as such?

minors SHOULD NOT be allowed to debut

These are my mentally ill and braindead coomers though

but fanatics are great so post more friend


please post my mommy

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imagine a full year with every monthly girl moving in with you for a month one after the other

wony big p triggers 3rd world user

I only defend mentally healthy /kpg/ers

most shower daily

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and then you die

i shower 2 or 3 times per month, even less since corona

what did they mean by this?

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why would you even shower every day

unmarried women shouldn't have sex

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I want to coom to her nose

And then you post Seunghee's freakin ass

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so the way I picture it is in a couple years we will be telling the next wave of based newfags "yeah, they know each other from that group they had back then, izone"
and they gonna be like "what?!? you saying chimp and wony used to be in THE SAME GROUP? and together with yena too? that's crazyyyyy"
so you go "yeah kid, and they were fucking based too" and link em an airplane live or some shit

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You have to brush your teeth twice a day

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hahaha yeah word fuck Yas Forums such a shitty place we should migrate to my dead site for trannies instead


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why do girls who are flat wear bras

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no one's going to do that because everyone here larps as an oldfag to feel accepted by the mentally ill degenerates that frequent this site

this image crashed my browser, but it was worth it

i like big tits and ass

in reality they will all be in nugu groups no one cares about like ioi and wanna one members


minors should not dress like that

pokie protection

thoughts on this?

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I would cause it has webms with sound and bigger pictures but they only post about oh my girl

if you look at the ioi lineup from today's perspective then yeah, I mean just look at who's there on the stage. it looks ridiculous

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