Why has nobody invented a new musical instrument in like 100 years?

Pic related is the last thing that comes to mind.

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based otamatone poster

The Hang was invented in 2000

How come only #backtonature #oldspirit hippies play an instrument designed 20 years ago

author & punisher tho

Is that a bait thread or OP is just dumb?

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Those don't count. A laptop is an instrument and synths are basically just pianos from a playing point of view.

> Laptop is not an instrument

The daxophone is pretty cool

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I saw this guy
open for Dead Can Dance, he plays the hang and other percussion instruments brilliantly. He played one piece on a tambourine (or perhaps just some foreign instrument that looked a lot like one, not sure) and I never would've thought how much you can get out of such an instrument without any accompaniment.


The timbre is vastly different from a piano to a synth, as is the case of a fortepiano to a piano, or a harpsichord to a fortepiano. Timbre is obviously what defines an instrument, and a synth has a quantifiably different texture.

you can pretty much make any sound you want with computers and synths so there is really no point anymore.

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this is really the newest instrument that actually fucking matters. i know there was similar ones before it but this really it

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what the fuck

the electric bass was invented in the 50's. It is based on the upright bass but it's a new instrument nonetheless

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vibraphone, cristal baschet, waterphone, etc.

you don't need to use a keyboard to play a synthesizer or a laptop, dummy. anyway doesn't that mean a piano is just a pipe organ?

OP has apparently never heard of Harry Partch

>strolling to my seat in the orchestra ready to play my vibrating wood

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pedal steel guitar, dobro, Hammond organ, numerous kinds of electric pianos...

Everything is music.


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Ondes martenot

chapman stick, harpejji and all related instruments, also the ebow if you want to count that

also all this shit: youtube.com/watch?v=YfQ3624z36Q

yeah but when was the artichoke invented?

are you sure

Is that the new AirPod Pro?


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this shit is the most onions instrument ever

the new instruments are VSTs

DAW that enables unlimited synth sounds
dual turntables

it wouldve cost nothing to post this

how often do you think impactful instruments are supposed to be invented?
100 years isnt very long.
look at the gap between the first stringed instruments and the organ.
100 years is nothing.