ITT: Yas Forums in 1969

ITT: Yas Forums in 1969

Attached: 1969.png (535x210, 97.29K)

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Some insane Dutch faggot who belongs in a mental institution has released a jazz record. Wtf

What the fuck is this shit?

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Dylan went hick.

Is it true he's a dating a gook?

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nick drake is gonna be bigger than dylan
carbon copy this communication

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>stares at his shoes the whole time he's preforming
he'll never make it

why does his belt go over his shirt?

Hey lads got any insights on how to cover up a murder? Hypothetically of course...

godspeed, Charles

>AOTY coming through

Don't know man, it's fucking cringe
He's a junkie user, who cares?
Yea his music is pretty good, but can't get him at a live. Is he even touring?

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This shits fucking garbage. It sounds like a bunch of Kingsmen and Sonics songs played extra loud by a bunch of Mongoloids. Every song sounds the exact fucking same except that lame raga rock ballad in the middle. Newsflash dweebs, in 1969 not 1966. Everything on this has been done before and way better. What the fuck is John Cale thinking propping up these Detroit city trash?

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literal meme music, will be forgotten in a year tops

Have you guys heard the band Pink Floyd yet? So sick!

yeah bro piper at the gates of dawn is my aotd, syd barrett is my fav frontman hopefully he keeps making great albums with pink floyd

my cousin said he's going to the woodstock festival kek such a pleb faggot

>muh sonics
>muh old good new bad
Sonics couldn't play for shit. Stooges are way fucking better, you absolute mong

What a fucking retard. Tell him all the cool kids are going to Altamont in December. At least fucking Stones are going to play there.

they fucking sold out

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Hope they bring John Cale back in the next album

does he know that thing is run by jews? I heard they plan to have a nigger butcher the national anthem.

How about you go back to your noise filters, John?

Heh. Nice.

Holy shit...this new band out of Florida is phenomenal! One hell of a lead singer and 2 blazing guitarists...I heard their live shows are like religous experiences.

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Holy. Fucking. Shit.

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why is this song making city slicker roasties seethe so much

:/ syd wasn't even on ummagumma. here's to hoping he keeps making music

have you guys tried lsd?


It’s terrible unironically

name a better album out of 1967. protip: you can't
>inb4 sgt peppers
john lennon is fake deep and a wifebeater. somebody needs to .38 snubnose revolver bullet between his eyes

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