Nu-Titans: plastictears, nuhskinup, origamierotica, germanon

Aging Titans: AntiWarhol, brandonsyl, stilton, carbonado, pabanks

Fallen Titans: TheHorbgorbler, doru649, sodr1, crosshatches, sodr2, herkyjerky, fagix, exitsense, chumlum

Rising Stars: junusynu, Electriclizard, velocifish, oinopa, mihr, bratty, MagaCream, AutoBlood

Missed Apotheosis Tier: picha, aciid, BAYAR, tankpit, fruitfork, hevykofe, jazzthreadguy, cacespace, I0000Days, prostagma, owl_jolson, Fastro, notebooks, acid_udon, miningtown

Remaining Top Users: Erickson_Dear, moltenhorror, flyingwill, Franssel, hike62, jmttmnj510, Lorgnette, banjie, classifriend, Kishinev, xolotl, carburador, tide2, wqe23, anathemaddicted, 80outof1, epizootics, respirateur, Sisu, tibul

UHS Tier: sp59, lad, Zizekian, Esichio, Magicsxxxxx, Verkrah, duckstab_tenthousand

Wise Old Man Tier: Piezo, Euphemos, Grampus, Patricksmash, TheScientist, sluggo714

Metal head Tier: asadv, mishanspace, toolshed00

Creamey Tier: HalfPriceBento, Pate, iloveyou, phlg, mrminio, neverdenudesz, EishunK

Actually East Asian Tier: KareA, ckcy, shj990512, HaruyaIshizuka, ParkFish, TheVince, kaxk, purplerain, skytothelimit

Neo-RYM Tier: gay_, AnimeHeck, Jangle_Bojangle, yoozy_cutie, dzzytrll, jmarvin_orbiter, zzane, insectdilemma, MalcolmXWing, JamesCairns, MichaelKeating, doctor_frosty, kanaberal, cancherito, harakiri_, bluzz, GonzoLewd, MeltedFire, TelegraphRoad, apotos, Zed_Lamp, MetaFalls, armed_snobbery, ailurus, MatuX20, sailingedvard2, brihgt, taconelli, deathmaumau, a_toaster, ranhe, aeroslut, ModernJester, MQuestionable, savagebear, XerTeX, caviarrr, ThisNameWasStolen, SuicideByCandlelight, deathbymusic, deangelolosangeles, ToThe4th, Zlaksna, Maltbeat, /daily/ users

Fuck You Tier: pinokiwo, portraits, Vito_James, hamtrax, debtinjune, dzzytrll, greenway, TheCrystalBird, gay_, Decibelle, Montie, Sal, Hotel_Trivago, Jangle_Bojangle, Mercenarion, PyramidPostcard, yoozy_cutie, mookid, poiret, AlRog, TriplePositive

Attached: sonemic.png (512x512, 14.71K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Player 1's version of Spice 1's City Streets:

To end my day off right I gotta get a hit. I went to get some sex from a freaky, freaky freak bitch. Call up the tracers bitch, because she was bar none. A bitch that's bar none guarantees imma cum. I whistle the bitch up, take her up to my crib. As soon as we get in I ask her what the deal. She pulled her pants down I'm staring down cus that freaky freaky bitch's cock is on the ground. I tell her to pull them up. "get the fuck out of my house". I smoke a fat joint and yo playa just passed out. Today was a good day. And because my day's complete I guess I can call it another day in the streets.


Rym[] is my fav w� `Ebsite of alltime be`cau`se it ha`s all m`usic like a`ll mu`sis bu``t als`o � bes`t a`l`bums` ever li`ke best` alb`ums� eve`r and i h`ave al`ot of `frien`ds � __ � �
`on the we� ``bsite tha`t` `i` can t`alk to al`l d`ay `e`very `day `an`d `i like` to pl`ay ga`� � me`s li`ke ro`blo`x and i `lik� `e to p`lay g� a`mes lik`e fu`sionfall but` f� u`sionfall` was` s`hut d`own in` th`e ye`ar well it actually is
. wAs shut down in the
. year 2013 started year 2009
and but fans of the game want to
. play the game again so they made the game
. but it was a private server and it was fun to
. play because i had alot of friends in the game
. who would help me on my quests to defeat enemys
. and become the strongest character in the cartoon.
network a tv net work for kids, BY kids
Anonymous 04/22/20(Wed)00:43:05 No.94629416▶

Attached: 67b92a1d52ce4ab70ee4a4b11abae86d.jpg (480x525, 48.52K)

Attached: 1570795370551.gif (498x498, 1.91M)

you're fucked in the head and theres a reason you got BANNED from rym you absolute spergoloid

Lol what[]ever hater im not b,anned i never get banned i have fun with my friends and i talk about all the games i have all play,ed and, it is something that i look forward to every day after skool i am in thr .16th gradebu^t it that is wh~at u want to , Be my Freaking GUEST like a guest moob short for mewblet beuSe You"rE"r";rE MOOBiness is showing like "∆Put that thing away theirs children here" - Sp0ngbob refernece , Like% no one w--ants u in the;]se f7orums go ¶back to the blockland forums hater and stop makeing fa¶¶%mous And word of wisdom

Attached: 819FbWop6aL._SL1500_.jpg (1013x1500, 317.94K)

actual list

Nu-Titans: plastictears, nuhskinup, origamierotica, germanon

Aging Titans: AntiWarhol, brandonsyl, stilton, carbonado, pabanks

Fallen Titans: TheHorbgorbler, doru649, sodr1, crosshatches, sodr2, herkyjerky, fagix, exitsense, chumlum

Rising Stars: junusynu, velocifish, oinopa, mihr, bratty, MagaCream

Missed Apotheosis Tier: picha, aciid, BAYAR, tankpit, fruitfork, hevykofe, jazzthreadguy, cacespace, I0000Days, prostagma, owl_jolson, Fastro, notebooks, acid_udon, miningtown

Remaining Top Users: Erickson_Dear, moltenhorror, flyingwill, Franssel, hike62, jmttmnj510, Lorgnette, banjie, classifriend, Kishinev, xolotl, carburador, tide2, wqe23, anathemaddicted, 80outof1, epizootics, respirateur, Sisu, tibul

UHS Tier: sp59, lad, Zizekian, Esichio, Magicsxxxxx, Verkrah, duckstab_tenthousand

Wise Old Man Tier: Piezo, Euphemos, Grampus, Patricksmash, TheScientist, sluggo714

Metal head Tier: Electriclizard, asadv, mishanspace, toolshed00

Creamey Tier: HalfPriceBento, Pate, iloveyou, phlg, mrminio, neverdenudesz, EishunK

Actually East Asian Tier: KareA, ckcy, shj990512, HaruyaIshizuka, ParkFish, TheVince, kaxk, purplerain, skytothelimit

Neo-RYM Tier: gay_, AnimeHeck, Jangle_Bojangle, yoozy_cutie, dzzytrll, jmarvin_orbiter, zzane, insectdilemma, MalcolmXWing, JamesCairns, MichaelKeating, doctor_frosty, kanaberal, cancherito, harakiri_, bluzz, GonzoLewd, MeltedFire, TelegraphRoad, apotos, Zed_Lamp, MetaFalls, armed_snobbery, ailurus, MatuX20, sailingedvard2, brihgt, taconelli, deathmaumau, a_toaster, ranhe, aeroslut, ModernJester, MQuestionable, savagebear, XerTeX, caviarrr, ThisNameWasStolen, SuicideByCandlelight, deathbymusic, deangelolosangeles, ToThe4th, Zlaksna, Maltbeat, /daily/ users

Fuck You Tier: pinokiwo, portraits, Vito_James, hamtrax, debtinjune, dzzytrll, greenway, TheCrystalBird, gay_, Decibelle, Montie, Sal, Hotel_Trivago, Jangle_Bojangle, Mercenarion, PyramidPostcard, yoozy_cutie, mookid, poiret, AlRog, TriplePositive

look he's spelling stuff wrong and referencing things that kids like, it's funny

redpill me on pinokiwo
is she (?) an actual pedophile tranny or is that something some autist on this board made up?

LOOK ITS TRYiNG TO TALK looool You are so funny...... NAWT

Attached: 51hj-dE3UeL.jpg (456x500, 44.14K)

wheres autistic chad tier

Any games

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Reminder that nobody should trust any charts that don't have Electric "I'm he/they now also Fiona Apple needs to redistribute her wealth NOW" Lizard in "fuck you tier"

Thank god you got suspensed from Glitchwave, fakeraters like yourself are the lowest.

What criteria does make this list an "actual list"?

It's unedited and the first official one to go live after the outdated one made back in 2017

it's the one that autoblood didn't use for self-virallizing

lurk moar newfags

check the archive autoblood

Hi my name is AutoBlood and I have generic Yas Forumscore taste, but since I have a lot of ratings, I think I'll fit right in with the Rising Stars and no one will notice.

eradicate trannies

Attached: tranny.jpg (720x720, 91.73K)

I just got banned for a month because I called the new Fiona Apple cool wine aunt core lmao

What's ~lad's twitter? Does he have one? I think he would fit in well with the intellectual part of frog twitter.

he only uses facebook and instagram

Gayest post in this thread

Serves you right, sexist pig

lmao sean is way too pleb to embrace nrx, sorry. a literal midwit hiding behind carefully curated taste - oh does this eai cd-r make me look intellectual? how about this literal who book about postmodernist theory? baka

and tumblr

actual autism

how many favorites is necessary to be included on OP's list? only at 155 rn, i assume it's gonna be a long road bros

there's people with 0 fav on the list, kek

doesn't matter

why on earth would you want to? all it gets you is unwanted attention, gossip and hate