Redpill me on plunderphonics

Redpill me on plunderphonics
What are the essentials?

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Gimmick, no good albums

stfu pleb
The Books - Thought for Food
Oneohtrix Point Never - Replica
DJ Shadow - Endtroducing
The KLF - Chill Out

start there. It pretty much peaked with SILY though d e s u

Since I Left You is the closest thing to a perfect album I've heard
Honestly my least favorite song on the album is Frontier Psychiatrist

>Honestly my least favorite song on the album is Frontier Psychiatrist
The song was obviously made as a semi-joke but it doesnt stop the album from being perfect. I like it, its a playful track. But yeah, Im pretty sure they only made it so they could do that funny video

Obviously this, entroducing and donuts, but some of the choices i'd go with are RJD2's Deadringer, Beastie Boys' Paul's Botique, Red Burns, and Madlib's most infamous work

Don't sleep on Cornelius - Fantasma

The entire album has elements of humor and silliness but it never becomes an outright joke until that song. And it's fine for that song to be mostly just goofing around, just it makes it one of my less favored songs on the album. The rest of the album often dips into outright beauty while there isn't really any of that on Psychiatrist

Frontier Psychiatrist is gold and you're a plebe if you can't appreciate it.


i literally said I like the track

> it never becomes an outright joke until that song

J dilla donuts and my own plunderphonics music.

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>white boy
>green frog
what did he mean by this

pepe represents alt-right white males
have you never read a single opinion piece written about Yas Forums or something

Being the worst song on Since I Left You is like being the worst Jet Set Radio game, at worst it's still pretty damn good
You can make a joke in a part of a song without the song BEING a joke
Besides I'm not sure I'd call that moment a joke rather than just a bunch of related samples being played one after another leading up to a beat switch

btw ur shit is trash, learn to mix


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>implying I was being serious

Yeah I’m shit at mixing but atleast my intentions were pure. I mean it sounded k-kinda cool right?

it wasnt completely irredeemable but if youre shit at mixing you have no hope in the genre, its more a genre for producers than musicians anyway

When's the new one out bros? It's been a while since the singles dropped...

I respectfully disagree. I’m learning right now, I have to get my music theory technical skill down before I can focus on learning mixing and mastering. I can tell ya right now I think I probably made the volume too high in some and too low on another, and probably too many filters

>and probably too many filters
yeah it sounded like there was a low-pass on the entire track. almost no treble


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samefag; will post some "essentials" as I think og them. Did a deep dive into this genre about a year or two ago, it is most certainly not a gimmick, though it is a bit abstract in its definition.

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might as well ask here. what is the best oneohtrix point never album and why?

underrated gem: handsomeboy technique
also the jet set radio ost is really good

Steve Reich's early tale works are arguably plunderphonics in spirit as they sample preexisting media. Even if you don't consider them strictly within the same canon as plunderphonics, It's Gonna Rain by itself is an undeniably important piece of experimental music: