STOP FUCKING TRYING TO LEECH ON SOULSEEK. if you can figure out how to forward your ports then you can figure out how to share even a single mp3
the only song i have shared is Weezer's Hash Pipe and it's like 90kpbs.
uh fuck you?
ok yeah, sure thing mate
*share a 1 minute noise file*
just share your download folder lol
fucking based
how 2 forward port
I ban people who do that lol
t. faggot
i'd love to share everything but my upload speed is
why tho
t. Scramoutcha
Nobody cares, I'd rather find the album I'm looking for and take 3 hours to download it than never find it at all.
Because i know youll turn off your folder once you get your files. And i want a decent userlist with people who actually share files on a file-sharing network. I'm watching you all. And i ban by IP and username.
what a retard
A retard who shares 25-70 gigs of data a day. Sorry you can't afford decent internet.
Why does it matter if someone leeches?
The only thing I hate is theres no soulseek for android :(
It doesn't, but losers like Scaramoucha have nothing going for them in reality ,so online they are able to play mystical defenders of the discography. Halt, USER, provide me with an 8 min long field recording of rabbits performing oral activities to eachother. Or you shan't receive "She Will Be Loved - Maroon 5.mp4". Choose wisely
Yes I'm sure you will be delighted to find my Megadeth MP3 albums, how else would you find them?
idk how to use soulseek idk if my files are being shared or not lol, but i never get the warning so i dont care
I just report anyone who blocks sharing to the FTC hotline for additional illegal activity.. I think they're the lowest scum - imagine stealing with an artist's work product then refusing to hand it out without receiving some benefit. This is why I never share.
share every album you own in 1kbps disguised as 320
The only thing i have shared is a 20 second audio clip of me breathing into my mic
What's the point in sharing if everything I have is from you?
So others can have it too
Me too.
Either this or making a random noise track on audacity
whats your username, lets build a solid chat
I don't get it, what is the beet?