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fuck lisaschizo edition

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this is the thread. fuck yeintranny deleter

Lifting hard for Jeongers

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i guess everyone went to the other thread but i'm gonna leave this just in case

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cute idols

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they're retards

this is the thread

fuck, I thought that was gonna be yuna

why LDN Noise-hyung lie about working with them though?
There's no point

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wtf they so ugly

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>jimin aka Jamie would get sent nudes because people thought she was bts jimin
Fucking hilarious

why are you so sure they lied?

lee luda...

nobody cares anyways its gonna a shitty little bside nobody will listen to

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>posts loona
irony is thicker than chewy's thighs here

there she is

no, I'm saying there's no incentive in saying
>hey bros I'm working on this new track for Twice

they still ugly

there she is

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that'd be pretty fucking retarded for some already known producer to lie just like that for no reason

does anyone have that yuna webm where she's laughing at that one guy?

what did she mean by this


anyway, it's probably a b-side
like that user said



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post her feet