>YG near VIPs
>JYP between Cube and WM

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Other urls found in this thread:

can you guys remove the ugly brown dude please?

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i love loona

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now that i think of it south korea is exactly like kpg
>hates blacks, chinks, gays
>extremely conservative
>gets cucked by whites and ceo-nims
>both misogynist and obessed with plastic women at the same time
>mostly stuck in no future minimum wage jobs and are still virgins
>depressed as fuck
>interesting at first, but the more you stay the shittier and boring it gets
>you can never leave

cant stop larping

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we wanted a seulgi thread

youre gonna samefag and remove lisa. epic XDDD

the epitome of purity

The black label may as well be a money laundering scheme, they have like 10 producers and none of them have done anything in a year or more.



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You forgot
>really ugly but calls idols ugly and untalented


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I don't even think those are hers

what is this are they auctioning some hookers

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no blackpink still have one comeback
then its rent free

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i dare you to move

I miss ANS lads...

doesn't this fag love man feet tho?

you guys are a riot
always so clever and original

any cubs

Double date

I don't have yellow fever and would rather kill myself before moving anywhere in Asia. Seriously, it's gotta be pretty bad being not asian there.

Absolutely stunning

just say their name

south koreans are one of the most racist people in the world
not so much the girls but the guys are fucking imbeciles they cant see a white guy walking they already think its a threat and goes into beta male mode

Damn dude, definetly didn't expect that! Hahaha, lol

It defies belief

I'll gladly take North Korean refugees instead of syrians and Africans we have now

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Its okay if you are a good looking white guy. Didnt a white girl get attacked by jelous korean girls lmao

who is this? name/group please

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Kim lip from loona

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kimberly lippington