Delusional musician/composer thread

I found this steaming pile of shit a while ago and instantly thought it was joke, but once I started looking into the OPs account and videos I realized his music was serious. I don't understand how someone could make such a horseshit "symphony" and think its actually good and worth posting. Its amazing how delusional some folks get.

Here's the link:

Attached: 1571260319892.png (478x523, 168.43K)

Other urls found in this thread:

this sounds like it was made by a 12 year old on fl studio

what the fuck is this LMAO

that would sound completely at home on r plus 7

holy shit when the electric guitar came in I just lost it

OP here, honestly I think this is one of the best ways to relieve myself after a shitty day. The "symphony" is so random and retarded that it makes me laugh like a maniac. 1:47:06 especially is funny as hell

literally James Ferraro

This actually sounds pretty good. Looks like you just got filtered op.

This is an unironic song made by a schizophrenic man in his 60s who lives in my city. His channel is an absolute goldmine of unironic retardation and hilarious songs.

Holy shit thank you so much for these gems

fucking kek i swear this is the chrono trigger soundfont

To be fair you need to have a very high IQ to appreciate The Polymath's compositions

think you got pleb filtered OP
i feel like shit when i try to point out bad musicians since i know how it feels to fucking suck and lack musical talent
in terms of genuinely delusional musicians, i found this guy a few years ago named makecelebshistory who was uploading faust tapes and wondered why he overlayed a bunch of shitty effects over every upload he made. i thought it was an art project or some sort of ironic thing at first but i'm pretty sure he's genuinely mentally ill since every fucking video has it and he seems to word salad rant in all caps about politics and celebrities in the descriptions and titles and shit
he's randomly started uploading some instrumentals as of today and it sounds like old flash game music
based, if he gets picked up by some gay site like pitchfork i see him being the next outsider artist

What the fuck is this shit? And why do his songs get so many likes and no dislikes? Judging by his last videos he really does seem mentally ill

no fucking idea, seems like he has a small group of friends since some commenters seem to recognize him? i dunno
this ones pretty funky though ngl

Holy shit this guy acrually is a schizo. He likes every single one of his videos, occasionally leaves comments like "schizophrenia" and "bipolar disorder". Here is the weirdest shit I've found from him:
This last one is slightly disturbing because of how fuckin weird it is

Yeah this one ain't bad, though I don't think he made it

they probably played a bit too much of jrpgs back in their childhoold. Add autism on top of it + parents / welfare to keep specimen alive, and voila.
Should visit those soundshill / """"feedback"""" threads sometime.

James Ferraro ain't got nothing on this dude.

this is probably the most schizo music i've ever heard, it's like some genuinely person fucked in the head trying to make music with no help or knowledge beforehand
wesley willis would use synth presets and had actual bands to help him make his, brian wilson had his brothers and was sane enough to continue composing without mental help for years, and i always thought daniel johnston was taking advantage of by the press since i always thought he was more bipolar than anything else, the documentary of him never mentions schizophrenia but just bipolar, but this guy seems to be fucked in the head and attempting music by himself
>Peter is a megagenius who was misdiagnosed as suffering schizophrenia then delusional disorder. How horribly weird is a psychiatric system that medicates a person with IQ 175 as suffering mental illness?
hope he's doing ok bros, no uploads in 4 years

This dude is a modern day Jandek, you just got pleb filtered is all.

You wanna hear some shit?

hey are you the user who listens to his music with your therapist, the one trying to find the backing track to
i still haven't found it, pissed since it's a great instrumental. it's probably taken from some random keygen shit but no one on the internet has seemed to find it still

I'm a different poster. Good luck with your quest for the backing track.

Original poster of him here. My friends and I all tried adding him on facebook a few years ago. After like two years, he messaged us in late 2019 asking us who the fuck we were, so yeah I guess he's still alive. He claims to have a PhD in physics (although he might actually) and he's got a hilarious video where he tries to say that CERN didn't account for the force of gravity in their calculations for the LHC.

Here’s my old “art” band.

Attached: 1031AB31-1B75-4CBA-A054-6608CC601D2E.jpg (841x1280, 157.53K)

Based and SNESpilled

Good god, my brains have liquified to the point where I kind of enjoy this.

>mutilation ships with women

Nerds would be all over this if Frank Zappa had composed it

Holy shit that Einstein's relativity wrong video is actually quite beautiful art.