I can't seem to enjoy music anymore, even the albums I used to love until last month...

I can't seem to enjoy music anymore, even the albums I used to love until last month. Have ever experienced something like this? if so, how to did you resolve this problem?

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drink alcohol

all the time, nothing fits any mood. usually just avoid music for a day, or long hours. Eventually i start craving it again. or just dig real hard for new artists like crazy

Might be time to ascend to classical music.

this is called a major depressive episode. try to seek out telehealth therapy sessions. hope things get better

I've decide to avoid to actively listen to music for a week, I hope it'll help

maybe you're tired of listening to the same old albums. listen to new shit

not sure if youre depressed or if you have any mental illness, but the stress of the state of the world could cause a depressive episode (or whatever else is going on in your life) try to get help

Maybe you're right, I'll do whatever I can to get help

wishing you the best, user. same thing happened to me, a good therapist can change your life

maybe just music fatigue?

I'm not sure if it's actually that, but great video regardless

your listening to albums just to be able to say you’ve listened to them
Listen to the shit you actually enjoy

Nah I stopped doing that long time ago, I just can't enjoy anything in the last period

that is musical anhedonia
it passes

You've got the 'rona

do other shit
of course youre not gonna get the same stimulus just listening to music all the time

not even heroin feels amazing if you do the same dose daily

Go outside

Yes, it's called depression, unless you are a normie in which case it's called "we all feel a bit down sometimes :( "

same here desu

Why is that everyone's solution for everything here?

listen to Grieg or some sheeeit

i did. i took a long break, maybe like a year

It's not, it's just that normies are afraid of not being perceived as being "social" enough. It's an insult to be called unsocial or to be seen as unsocial so they suggest "going out" as a virtue signal way to imply they go out themselves.

When my mom died I stopped liking music to the point where it played a major role in my life and defined who I was. All of the recordings I had felt old and tired. Professional musicians became solipsistic buffoons driven by ego. That was 12 years ago and things have gotten a bit better since but it never came back to the way it was in my teens. I still am not really interested in going to shows. The only music now that I really get excited for is the stuff I make when I play my guitar, because it is real, and not a plastic marketing machine. Sorry for the blackpill user.

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Listen to more music. Explore the world of music more.

he only music now that I really get excited for is the stuff I make when I play my guitar

Wow it's amazing you just happened to catch this post

learn a song on an instrument

Mix it up OP. Try podcasts. There are some good music ones. Ones I like:

WTF w/ Maron- lots of musician interviews
Your Favorite Band Sucks- Two patricians shit on a band for 45 mins. They do pretty amazing research just to hate
Disgraceland- Stories of musician caused crimes
Rolling Stone Music Now- I love classic rock and theres good interviews/retrospectives

A way to enjoy old songs again is to do an activity while listening to them. For example listen to them while driving.

listen to kpop

>listen to kpop
imagine actually listening to kpop instead of just ogling at the korean qt's