Is there any benefits to learning about Teen Pop? I can’t imagine it all being useless shit.
Is there any benefits to learning about Teen Pop? I can’t imagine it all being useless shit
How to write basic songs? Maybe?
not really but Blackout is a really based Britney Spears album, you should listen to it
It makes every person involved a lot of money.
This board is fucking dead as dogshit.
taylor swift is better than led zeppelin, get over it
the Shakira unplugged album was decent
cant think of anything else from that era thats noteworthy
No, they’re both equally shit so shut the fuck up zoomer faggot
Faggot boomer. Fuck off. Do you even know music theory?
based, fuck LZ
this board is as dead as most people from your generation
>Cool, interesting posts so far, maybe this is a thread we can lear-
......... : ^ |
There's NOTHING wrong with enjoying Sometimes.
you learn how the (((Swedish))) rule the music industry
do you think the young and hip kids love Granny Spears?
just jack off to her video in the school girl outfit, while her songs follow basic pop writing everyone should learn you can learn it from better artists
I love how all the zoomers come out of the woodwork whenever someone makes an anti-poptimist post acting cocky and "alpha." It's an absolute inversion of the truth and could not possibly be more ironic.
Liking Taylor Swift STILL makes you low test and soi, even in 2020, even after Pitchfork and Fantano decided to change what is considered cool.
>even after Pitchfork and Fantano decided to change what is considered cool
imagine caring
a)about other people's opinions
b)caring what's cool
I'm not cool, I like a lot of different music and I don't give a fuck if it's cool or not, what a gay way to live
pedos all deserve the rope, look at this and tell me this isn't a fertile woman, you can't because it would be dishonest you sodomite
I don't give a fuck what's considered cool or not but you actually do. You would have no idea who Taylor Swift if she wasn't considered cool. Her music isn't unique enough that it would draw your attention otherwise. It's popular. That's why you know about it.
If only she ever made Ramble On or When Levee Br...oh wait she didn't.
Her music isn't great but at least and her team of a million writers put effort in, most tay swift songs have bridges, i was fucking a girl in a rock band and she just wrote verse/chorus over and over again and 1 45 in E. In all fairness I like her music but to pretend tay tay isn't competent is bs. I' rather listen to Taylor Swift than most modern music. We can't rely on what's good because amazing music in the main stream is dead
I've got big dick energy my friend
I can't remember any really big pop anthems since Shake It Off. Was that the last one?
Maybe Bad Guy? That's kind of my point thouhg
You're based af mate
>Maybe Bad Guy?
250 shekels have been added to your UMG account. Have a nice day. :^)
I didn't say I like it (I don't) I'm just saying that's probably the most famous song right now if my 30 year old ass knows it
>I love how all the zoomers come out of the woodwork whenever someone makes an anti-poptimist post acting cocky and "alpha." It's an absolute inversion of the truth and could not possibly be more ironic.
>Liking Taylor Swift STILL makes you low test and soi, even in 2020, even after Pitchfork and Fantano decided to change what is considered cool.