/metal/ - FAQ edition

Here it is: pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt
Faggot who forgot it:

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Other urls found in this thread:


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The one per thread post:
Community made /meal/ playlist.
We standing at 1216 songs - 93hr 11min playtime
>Recomend me albums/songs you wish to see/listen to

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They sure have better tastes and writing than some random retard on Yas Forums

*chuggachuggachuggachugga chuggachuggachuggachugga chuggachuggachuggachugga*
*chuggachuggachuggachugga chuggachuggachuggachugga chuggachuggachuggachugga*
*chuggachuggachuggachugga chuggachuggachuggachugga chuggachuggachuggachugga*
*chuggachuggachuggachugga chuggachuggachuggachugga chuggachuggachuggachugga*
*chuggachuggachuggachugga chuggachuggachuggachugga chuggachuggachuggachugga*
*chuggachuggachuggachugga chuggachuggachuggachugga chuggachuggachuggachugga*
*chuggachuggachuggachugga chuggachuggachuggachugga chuggachuggachuggachugga*
*tin tin tin tin*

Based and chug-pilled


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Reminds me on this
if you're the leader of CCCP it doesnt matter how you look, you're still based so this example doesnt apply

Have any of you fags who had concerts they were planning to attend canceled on them received word from the promoters/band on a new date for those concerts? I was wondering when things were supposed to be starting up again, because I don't really see any major concerts taking place this year.

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listen to rotting semen

I was supposed to go to gefle metal (sweden) but it's most likely getting postponed til next year for obv. reasons.
We get to keep the tickets tho

Ok, if you want to listen to the same 20 albums for the rest of time. I don't even think they keep up with what their favorite bands have been doing, let alone the rest of death metal or anything outside their narrow genre preferences. Even within death metal they're constricted, ignoring modern death metal, BDM and tech-death. I've yet to see anything good about Prostitute Disfigurement, Brodequin, or Spawn of Possession on there, but those are all very worthwhile bands. I'm glad they rebrand themselves to deathmetal.org rather than fooling people they're a catch-all for all metal, it's more honest and gives them a containment place.

You'll soon see that everything praised on there is just the emperor's new clothes, and the community praises whatever Prozak likes, and hates what he had drama with. He used to suck Averse Sefira's cock until they had some personal falling out. Same with Crimson Massacre and Acerbus, shilled because they were from Texas where Prozak lives.

To the guy who asked how to be a real alpha in the last thread

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only death is real

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You don't seem to listen to anything but the same 5 Dragonforce-albums every day to be fair, at least one might think so judging by how often you mention them and how you try to always insert them into anything

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Bingewatching his videos after a while, feels good

*is the best Death album in ur path*

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this guy is the epitome of cringe. I've met twelve year olds with a legitimately better sense of humor than him


Not an argument.

I've been mentioning Reaching into Infinity a lot because that's what I'm currently enjoying. What's wrong with enjoying and analyzing an album, getting the most out of it while it's fresh in your mind and you're excited about it? There's a lot to go deep into, the album is 1 hour long and packed with notes.

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I'm supposed to go to Utrecht on the 29th and the clubs in the netherlands were supposed to open back up on the first of june, but I don't see a 3k people concert happening and even if it did I'm not sure I'd go

he is often cringe yea, but he still knows how to make metal, like it or not.

Further, I'm actually talking about the NEW DragonForce albums, not sucking the cock of their debut and whining how everything sucks after ZP Theart left etc.

Nothing wrong with that. Spamming it multiple times in every single thread is just not helping your case

They cover new music, there's a best of every year and lots of reviews. Also, the 90s classics are more than 20, there's still a lot to explore from that time and more than enough for a while for one persons listening.

happy 4/20, /meal/

Sonic Firestorm, Inhuman Rampage, or Ultra Beatdown?

Personally I think they got better on each successive album, I'd rank Sonic the lowest though, and Inhuman as my fav of the 3.

Is there any reason to watch him then? Jared dines is marginally better, Rob Scallon is unironically good and Ola is Ola

> What's wrong with enjoying and analyzing an album, getting the most out of it while it's fresh in your mind and you're excited about it?

This applies moreso to all the anus-core bands, there's a lot to cover

Any other furry-metal other than Dragonforce?
I was planning to attend a major con later this year. Anyone else into that stuff?

You too user, gonna blast cannabis corpse today while being baked.
well i dont mind looking at these videos from here, yes Jared is better but ive seen most of his recent videos

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Ok, good. Because I've been getting barked from the first moment I mentioned DragonForce, without spamming anything (not that I do intentionally). It's been a long struggle to claim this piece of ground.

from him* fuck my english sometimes

You are free to post it here, just don't get angry when no one replies

They've been excited about the same album for 30 years? Negrule, te rog.

>ignoring modern death metal, BDM and tech-death.
Based as fuck.

t. osdm-homo

Today is the birthday of the man who was the biggest inspiration in my life. Metal for this feel?

This guy is based as fuck musically, even though I'm not into djent. Don't listen to the haters here, they were shitting on me earlier for posting him and Jared too and appreciating their skills. You can see it ITT, immediately as you posted that nothing but negative comments and butthurt started coming in, "stop liking what I don't like" etc. They just can't abstain. Sometimes I wonder if they're just doing it for the drama or to feel better about themselves or to feel superior somehow (how, you retards?).

On the subject, you posted my favourite music video from him that got me back into DragonForce, and actually DF has been talking on twitch about covering it for the new album. His humor is a little bad for me though and I often skip the talking bits, but his playing and soloing is aural honey. Check out Rob Scallion and Sarah Longfield too.

Tom Of Finland?

how do we fix this?

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Ola seems to me the least skilled of those, he makes videos that appeal to "oldschool" dorks but doesn't play anything but chugga chugga riffs and I've never seen him shred. Prove me wrong if otherwise.

By you going back to r*ddit.

Banning doesn't help, so I have no idea.






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if you filter that much just leave the site pussy
How degenerate can you be

Please do that.

Holy hell

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Rangeban Nigga Vindicator or wait until he dies from self-neglect

>How degenerate can you be
I doubt he can be as degenerate as you. He probably doesn't sniff his gf's used pads.


What are his favorite bands?

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As a furry, I'm proud to be a degnerate. Being a degenerate is metal as fuck

It's better to go to metal archives than reddit, they are really worthless

well me neither, so your point doesnt make any sense

children of bodom


Dragonforce and Hatebreed.

other bad Power Metal

Fuck. I didn't read your name, but your post felt very negruesque. I thought you were him. But you are good man instead.

>As a furry
Now I lost my last bit of respect for you.

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