Attached: 105.png (680x680, 830.15K)

Other urls found in this thread:

doy p

post her freaking IQ


Attached: iluvyub_92085090_151725866218313_2091673018184104389_n.webm (640x360, 2.09M)

bangtan sonyeondan

I love deleter thread alright
Post that one girl you'd show someone who claims gooks are ugly


finally a beautiful girl posted

Attached: 위키미키 릴레이 커버댄스 ★댄스 춰줍쇼★.webm (1920x1080, 2.94M)

we love slug here

I'm convinced DXW is a time traveler

Attached: 9e585f23ly1gdpnittkbrj20u0190tdw.jpg (1080x1620, 205.84K)

are there any other incestuous relationships in kpop

Attached: CjghZFDUgAEhpod.jpg (500x657, 65.85K)

only good for one thing

Attached: censored ver.png (720x960, 1.06M)

It's true

Attached: 1575587907742.png (680x784, 471.08K)

Attached: n6RhZjB_2cu1-zV4.webm (480x480, 1.18M)

after oncels got kicked out of kpg there have been many blinkposting

It's just one guy

nana is perfection

Attached: 09d9ecb6d2014a17e7dc856018792fb741678c42_hq.jpg (736x975, 57.71K)

Can we stop with the p & b threads?

Attached: 1585729959065.jpg (1356x2041, 239.19K)

Attached: 1569437423701.webm (360x480, 1.74M)

there's nothing i love more than knowing my waifu is getting railed by someone 13 years older than her

It's just one and a half guys

Attached: RipeDisgustingAdamsstaghornedbeetle.webm (846x1440, 2.97M)

What's that

I'm going to kill myself tomorrow.

What's the appeal of doyeon
She looks like a guy hah

t. oncels

Post her feet

Penis and balls

draining my balls dry in dubu's fat onion

How horrifying is this.

Attached: EV8ZupwUMAAGG20.jpg (640x800, 139.87K)

Attached: Weki Meki 위키미키 - Tiki-Taka(99%) M_V TEASER.webm (1920x1080, 2.97M)

i will do so in approximately one month.


That's the best part

one time, in LA, she looked at a white guy

She looks she would be a good girlfriend :)

you dont even have the balls to ask for extra ketchup on your fries

Attached: EVTdEly7co_pi2bF.webm (592x1280, 2.93M)

Arin and her dad and brother
Binnie and her brother
Saerom and her brother
Jeongyeon and her sister

There's none of that here

Did wizcakes destroy oncelinuses this time?

Attached: 1574058630542.jpg (1364x2048, 194.27K)

Attached: 1586156887765.jpg (1000x1500, 96.51K)

Attached: eunbi.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

Yena and her brother
Hyewon and her nearly identical brother

Men make for better women than f*males themselves

How based is this.

Attached: 1569400294262.jpg (2344x4472, 2.46M)

eunbi btfo

Attached: 1563763592368.webm (224x500, 166.18K)

Imagine being so retarded to pick Wony instead of Dahyun

Attached: EV4POy_UMAAiLtj[1].jpg (1000x750, 75.32K)

yena and her brother

Attached: Dc7YzH6VwAEXZ7O.jpg (1438x1796, 331.48K)

cake's love for her brother is pure

Attached: 1582359627028.jpg (1080x1080, 248.47K)

I like Phil Collins. What are some kpops for me?

Imagine knowing who Dahyun is

*sluts in your path*

Attached: 1587265490857.jpg (1365x2048, 327.32K)


That's not what she does

Attached: 1564992767598.webm (692x800, 2.78M)

which one

I don't believe you, if they posed for a photo together they fucked.

Attached: 1574294979217.webm (540x960, 2.53M)


if you are able to joke around like that then i doubt they werent close

I don't like doyeons face at all.
There are much more beautiful k girls out there, post them.

Attached: 1566227142910.webm (970x720, 2.86M)

that's exclusively what she does actually

wonyzone will disband in a year so they can always jump bandwagons if they want to

smug chimp getting ready to dish out the bants

No no

Doyeon overload

Attached: 1571736410558.webm (1200x675, 2.91M)

Beautiful K girls mentioned

Attached: 1545457450343.jpg (480x480, 34.7K)

no they didnt

Attached: 1566434364098.jpg (699x699, 80.07K)

Attached: 1567384116362.webm (1200x675, 2.92M)

post sei's giant forehead

*baby sluts you're path*

Attached: jenniepitmeat.jpg (1364x2048, 245.48K)

being close before PD48* which was what Eunbi tried to push is completely different than when they've obviously gotten closer since

Attached: 1570846118756.webm (662x640, 2.75M)

I took a lot of photos with your mom

look at that. you just KNOW

thread needs more nabongs

Attached: 0oa2v9484tj41.jpg (1100x2048, 307.71K)

I'm not even that much of a blink but jennie is objectively beautiful despite her fugged up chin

*slugs in your path*

Attached: 1578734196265.webm (800x450, 1.79M)

Nana is the best visual of 2nd gen. She even mogs Yoona.

Attached: EUNV6KIWoAA-qds.jpg (1024x1009, 202.26K)

To be fair due to social hierarchy in Korea, it is really fucking hard to be close to a junior unless you have a good reason to.

Attached: D33B0F94-5348-4A3B-8ADC-94F3B531ED4F.jpg (1242x2053, 1.22M)

then why is her hand on his dick

Closer but still no

Attached: 2uorw8lmbmn41.jpg (640x960, 71.24K)

Attached: 1565393779628.jpg (960x960, 187.31K)

anytime a male is in the vicinity of a female in a photo, they had sex


Doyeon > Lisa

Minju police

Attached: 1569757419999.jpg (1280x1920, 557.09K)

Attached: Doyeon.jpg (1500x2250, 721.45K)

She honestly takes the best selfies and shopping your name to Chad is cringe.

Jennie wouldn't be Jennie without her baby chin

Attached: 2yg8tfxf18n41.jpg (750x1123, 108.67K)

it's a foundational belief of kpg

This but also when it's two females I'm a photo

cute brotherfucker

>he doesn’t use PM and doesn’t know about yn

I need convincing

Attached: 3boho3n9gnk41.jpg (1080x1350, 138.32K)


r*pe the police


minju is way too retarded to be a cop

Attached: 9530-11785-8327.jpg (1080x1440, 132.68K)

More proof please

Attached: 1563530263189.jpg (1000x1500, 500.28K)

Attached: 4alj1eoavus41.jpg (1667x2500, 287.11K)

better to assume straight away than to find out later

former ulzzang skills

Attached: 1562677002435.jpg (640x640, 44.14K)

Yeeun looks better blonde dbh


Attached: 7xJ6Yyz.jpg (1364x2048, 258.18K)

Attached: 1566103981136.jpg (1920x1080, 179.47K)