Who is the best?
Who is the best?
Lyrics? Alex
Recording voice? Julian
Live singing? Alex
Coolest? Julian
they're both the best in my heart :)
both absolute coke-heads
They both lost
At what? Except guitar playing, this guy is worse at everything, including songwriting.
alex is cuter but julian makes better music
Who the guy on the left?
Jack white
he just wanted to be one of the strokes
That’s their best album
Alex Kapranos and Paul Banks.
Now delete your thread.
haven't listened to the new Strokes yet, but even if its good they'll still only be 3 great albums to the Monkeys' 4
one of the last great rock albums desu
who do you all think has the bigger dick?
isn't julian part spic
Is it true?
Alex Turner's got nothing on Julian Casablancas (If you only listen to The Strokes than your knowledge on Casablancas is tunneled) expand your listening check out phrazes for the young
anglos have smaller dicks than spics
no, he’s mediterranean
baste. Phrazes is such a fucking great album. new julian solo album WHEN
Number of good albums made by The Strokes:1
Number of good albums made by AM: 0
ok brown boy
ask your sister
The martini police
it's not that he's that amazing at playing guitar either.
this. julian not only wrote is this it but his solo and voidz albums. alex wishes he had an album as good as any of those.
Kapranos sucks, hasn't done anything worthwhile since Nick ditched his ass.
more like Number of good albums made by Julian: 3
Number of good albums made by Alex: 1
voidz > strokes
lsp > am
Absolute patrician taste
Tom York from The Aneurysms