Will he ever release anything again, bros?

Will he ever release anything again, bros?

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What is brobro even up to these days?

Pretty sure he said that he's making another album about vietnamese kids during the war or something

He recently endorsed Bernie Sanders. That's about all we've hear from him since the last tour ended.

Hope not


Gonna seed a source on that one.

Do you think he'd release something under a pseudonym?

He is Fiona Apple's ghostwriter

If that's the case, then Jeff has really lost his songwriting touch.

already has. he ghost writes almost all of the music for a band called Negative XP

Based. I wonder where he works. I could see him making nice artisan cabinets maybe.

His wife is a documentary filmmaker. It's possible that her income and his royalties are enough for them to get by. But still, he must be doing something with his time.

He produces Death Grips

I doubt it, he didn't even give an interview in the Elephant 6 documentary

Maybe he'll come back for Elephant 7

I hope Julian Koster will, Music Tapes for Clouds and Tornadoes is a masterpiece

Lost what little of his mind he had left after he found out anne frank didn't write that diary

Nah they ended that film with him and Vin Schneider driving away from each other

i like to think that ol' Jeffy spends his days watching that one Parks and Rec episode where they reference Neutral Milk Hotel multiple times all day every day. on an endless loop. and then he cries himself to sleep, sometimes its tears of joy, sometimes its tears of sadness. also he hasn't actually listened to any of his own music in like 15 years.

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The Orbiting Human Circus from 2017 is a beautiful little EP.

I remember talking to Scott (can't remember his last name) after a show and he said he did carpentry and roofs. I wonder if he gets any royalties.

Scott Spillane I think is who you mean. Scott does roofing and carpentry or Jeff does roofing and carpentry?

Maybe there's some more unreleased recordings that we'll get one day.

it ok i still like the anne frank album

You're asking if THIS "man" is ever going to release anything again?

Maybe with his wife Astra's permission.

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Scott Spillane said he did roofs and stuff. It just made me wonder what Jeff did in the off time. Also I can't believe that those tours were like over 5 years ago.

He seems like a lovely person, I hope he's doing well.

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the reunion tour ended 5 years ago bros ;_;

It wouldn't be good if he did

a noise/musique concrete album similar to the alfred snouts thing