His favorite Beatles album is Meet the Beatles

>his favorite Beatles album is Meet the Beatles
>his favorite David Bowie album is The Man Who Sold the World
>his favorite R.E.M. album is Green

Attached: kurt cobain is lil peep.png (461x462, 585.1K)

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based contrarian

Stop fucking posting his ugly mug, I’m genuinely so fucking tired of seeing him everywhere I fucking look, seriously, oh wow he wrote one “SONG OF LE GENERATION” with smells like teen spirit, but other than that he fucking sucked and really wasn’t that talented, he couldn’t even really play guitar for fuck sakes, STOP FUCKING COBAINPOSTING

>oh wow he wrote one “SONG OF LE GENERATION” with smells like teen spirit, but other than that he fucking sucked
Except his best album was In Utero you utter fucking troglodyte. Grow some taste.

Attached: in utero.jpg (640x631, 86.01K)

>oh wow he wrote one “SONG OF LE GENERATION” with smells like teen spirit, but other than that he fucking sucked
more like other than that he was fucking good. I always dismissed Nirvana as trash because of that meme song, genuinely one of their worst songs

Stop sucking him off and grow some fucking balls and maybe I’ll grow some taste so you can suck my cock

This is correct. Zoomers obsessed with Cobain need to take a break from all this and take a good look at themselves.

No zoomers are obsessed with cobain you tard, zoomers dont even fucking know who cobain is.

>Stop fucking posting his ugly mug, I’m genuinely so fucking tired of seeing him everywhere I fucking look, seriously, oh wow he wrote one “SONG OF LE GENERATION” with smells like teen spirit, but other than that he fucking sucked and really wasn’t that talented, he couldn’t even really play guitar for fuck sakes, STOP FUCKING COBAINPOSTING

Kill all zoomers that think Cobain is little peep or something, he isnt, they are both shit, but Cobain would have hated little peep and all his faggy friends.

>too much heroin in his system
>magic bullet
>no fingerprints on the gun
>last four lines of the "suicide note" were forged
>courtney's practice sheet
>kurt was going to divorce courtney
>courtney destroying the alleged rome "suicide note"
>kurt's death was never given a proper investigation. seattle police ruled it a suicide within hours
>courtney was ex-lovers with the medical examiner who examined kurt's body
>kurt's body was cremated almost immediately and the shotgun was melted down at courtney's request
>kurt was starting a relationship with kristen pfaff, courtney's bassist, during the last months of his life. pfaff ended up dead of an "overdose" just months after kurt
>hole's album was released days after kurt's death, making his suicide the perfect promotional tool for courtney
>no one close to kurt ever claimed he was suicidal
>courtney has never sued tom grant

Attached: ssssskrrrrrr.jpg (1280x1280, 446.03K)

Based anti-courtney poster. That bitch deserves to be dead or in prison.

Yeah, they are. Just take a look at the comments on any Nirvana video on YouTube.
Give it a rest. It doesn't really matter if he was murdered. He's still dead.

le >he couldn't even play guitar

In Utero is terrible, should have blown his brains after the Nevermind release.

he wrote good riffs and melodies, and that's what matters

i think incesticide is the best desu

>he wrote good riffs and melodies, and that's what matters


Attached: (You).jpg (812x1024, 61.18K)

This. My first CD I ever bought was the Beavis and Buttheard Experience - which led to me picking up Incesticide and Raw Power as a 2 for $20 deal.

How dare you mix this man with Gustav "Lil Peep" Ahr, one of the greatest musicians from the last decade and a ressurrector of emo teen music in the form of rap.

Hole had insane hype behind them well before Cobain and Love ever even married, much less before Cobain killed himself.

Hole was on heavy rotation on MTV.

What's his favourite Weezer album?

he died before the first weezer album came out :(

do your eyes not work or something? there's no way in hell he's ugly

In Utero really shows off those often overlooked little intricacies in his guitar work that made him special. He was going in a new and interesting direction with that one. Teenage angst had paid off well but now he was bored and old. I wish he lived longer.

you don't get to sell that many records without good riffs and melodies dumbo, get serious and start thinking white

In Utero is aight, it's Sonic Youth for babies but he was growing balls, fuck Courtney Love for ruining a potentially good career

>I wish he lived longer.

He would have almost certainly not killed himself(shove your conspiracy theories up your ass) if he wasn't forced tour 9 months of the year.
Watching Nirvana shows from 1993/94 is so tedious, you can tell he is completely fucking burned out and disconnected from everything.

They sold a lot of records because every record store stocked Nirvana's albums, and the band was heavily advertised. The hype worked.

oh my god im so alone oh go why me

Attached: This_is_Love_Part_2_400x400pix.png (1000x1000, 2.27M)


Literally ripped off Husker Du and Pixies for a living

Pretty cool

This. People forget that when they married Courtney and Hole were far more successful than Nirvana at the time, which is why they signed the pre-nup in the first place.