fuck fiona apple, fuck kanye. there hasn't been a 10/10 album since pic related. maaaybe The Queen is Dead
Fuck fiona apple, fuck kanye. there hasn't been a 10/10 album since pic related. maaaybe The Queen is Dead
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The Smiths, Meat Is Murder, Vauxhall and I, Your Arsenal, You are the Quarry & Ringleader of the Tormentors are all better than The Queen Is Dead. Listen to more music.
ive heard them all and i still disagree, what now?
You listen to them again until you realize that I'm correct.
That album is overrated as shit. The Stones died with Brian Jones.
lol brian jones didnt write a single song in his whole life
>Q: has there been a 10/10 since 1972?
There has never been a 10/10 album ever, because perfection doesn't exist
Fuck off boomer, the stones are shite.
Hole is better
the stones are a singles band. you could make a great comp album out of their best songs but that's it
fucking kino album bro although i lean a bit more towards sticky fingers but songs like let it loose and torn and frayed are so good
pre-beggar's banquet, yes
from 68-72 was one of the greatest album sequences of all time tho
I remember first getting into music too.
Not entirely true
i know all abou that, nanker phelge was the entire band (mostly without brian lol)
>pre-beggar's banquet, yes
Aftermath and Between the Buttons are their best albums
>the stones are a singles band.
Exile is the one exception. It's perfect start to finish.
Good opinion
Pic related comes close
im the guy you replied to. all their best songs are from when brian jones was still alive
ive listened to multiple albums from them, hoping they'd get good because i really love blues
this bait? stones are definitely an albums band. beatles are more of a singles band if anything
nah a lot of people hold that opinion on the early stuff
Everything that guy stole is way more beautiful in their original form. Sampling my ass, more like stealing music and looping it to sell to black who got too low iq to appreciate the originals.
foken baitception there mate
>fuck fiona apple, fuck kanye. there hasn't been a 10/10 album period.
FTFY, my friend. I’m not even Scaruffi droning here. Perfection in music and art does not exist, and anybody who is foolish enough to think he can identify artistic perfection has no excuse for not creating perfect art himself.
none of your words matter if enough people/critics consider it their personal 10/10
No it's pretty boring. Nearly all of their post-Let It Bleed albums are frustratingly monotonous and formulaic. Even the first of their """""classic""""" period albums (Beggar's Banquet and Let It Bleed) rest on blues roots while transforming their influences into something new. The Taylor and Wood periods have their moments for sure, but they mostly ran out of ideas by 1970 and became content to just do the same thing for the next fifty years. It's sad really, that they achieved their greatest success during their creative nadir, and even more perplexing that it earned them their greatest share of critical acclaim, because it wasn't healthy for the band and just encouraged them to stagnate even more.
You're both retarded
>To be honest, Brian had no talent for writing songs. None. I've never known a guy with less talent for songwriting
absolutely BTFO
how many times have you listened to Exile?
If you thought a record had no flaws, and was perfect for what it was trying to do would you consider it a 10/10?
A creative nadir? Perhaps. But not every great album needs to be totally groundbreaking or forward-thinking to be great. There's something to be said for an artist perfecting their craft while honoring a tradition. Exile is a great example.
the creativity comes from the production and legendary "loose feel" of the album. very hard to re-create since no band has ever been so fucked up during songwriting and recording. (feel free to provide examples if you disagree. fleetwood mac doesn't count lmao)
Ah yes, Fiona Apple, Kanye West and Rolling Stones. The only three music acts to ever exist
Exile is good but this album is goat.