
FAQ: pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt

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First for fuck hungypsians

First for inherently is inherently inherently.

based bojler eladó edition, magyar szomszédok


fucking based edition

listen to funeral mist

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>go into rock pub
>they are blasting Pokolgép
every fucking time, I can't stand this band

Literally who?

Metal for this feel?

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Are you hungarian?


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the only hungarian band i know is tankcsapda since some people listened to them back in schooltimes

Through the Fire and Flames


What's your country's relationship to Hungarians? Or they never ruled you while Austrians did? They ruled Croatia though.

Flogging the Congo

Holy shit, nice.

Metal is inherently third world.

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>warrior wanted to write a Mass setting for the dead
pretty based and christpilled

High speed counterpoint baffling chord structures buttressed by recursion, tonal centering through droning cyclic melted sound emergence, ragged fugues of dissonant melodies converging toward oblivion, tempos shifting through the elements of one another into each other, cyclic two-hit metal percussive structures and free-form progressive harmonic jamming are packed into these songs as overhead to the essence of each, which no matter how aesthetically different it appears at first listen reveals itself as fundamental Gorguts when the emergent melody encoded within begins to find form in the various aspects of its decomposition showcased by differentiation structures creating a vast tonal motion in their evolutionary journey from the point of chaos to clarity. The same voice that crafted the strength within the sturdy structures of death metal on two previous albums speaks through the chaos on this release with a newfound power in its ability to fuse what to most will seem like a salad of riffs juxtaposed for their difference rather than similarity.

>High speed counterpoint baffling chord structures buttressed by recursion, tonal centering through droning cyclic melted sound emergence, ragged fugues of dissonant melodies converging toward oblivion, tempos shifting through the elements of one another into each other, cyclic two-hit metal percussive structures and free-form progressive harmonic jamming are packed into these songs as overhead to the essence of each, which no matter how aesthetically different it appears at first listen reveals itself as fundamental Gorguts when the emergent melody encoded within begins to find form in the various aspects of its decomposition showcased by differentiation structures creating a vast tonal motion in their evolutionary journey from the point of chaos to clarity. The same voice that crafted the strength within the sturdy structures of death metal on two previous albums speaks through the chaos on this release with a newfound power in its ability to fuse what to most will seem like a salad of riffs juxtaposed for their difference rather than similarity.

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hate myself lads


Were they /metal/?

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Hard to say, some dont really like them since they classify most of them as gypsies because mostly gypsies come over the border asking for cooper and that shit. But thats just as saying that all romanians are gypsies. I like them and i even understand it because i live near the border.

understand the language* not it
I go more times per year to hungary actually, was in Szombathely in winter Time and in Zalaegerszeg swimming in the spa, is a really nice country if you ask me, but has its downsides

Coming out May 15th.

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Wonderful news, thanks.

How do you understand such a fucked up language? I have a Finnish girlfriend and know very little of Finnish.

I also liked them when I was a teen but they became buttrock.

>but has its downsides
Well yeah. Like the ton of gyppos and the retarded population. I want to move out of this country ASAP but now this corona bullshit fucked everything up.

Csak megérted vagy beszélni is tudsz magyarul?

>I want to move out of this country ASAP but now this corona bullshit fucked everything up.

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It's sad how time changes your ability to enjoy some things. When I was 16 pic related was one of my favorite albums. Just relistened to it and it was meh.

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well i was most of my life in a bilingual village and attended a bilingual elementary school
hát kicsit is tudok beszélni, de nem nagyok sokat, attól függ amiről beszélem valakivel

Listen to Enterprise Earth, the new song slaps

But that's also the beauty of growing up. Some things you liked only get better once you can appreciate them fully.

>Drinking with the Devil
>cooking with Gee Anzalone


>A 6´10´´, 400lb giga-nigga wearing this shirt slaps your finnish girlfriend's ass and tells you Dragonforce can suck his big black balls

How do you react?

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call the police who will shoot him on sight