Absolutely based

Absolutely based.

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she watches melon

agreed 100% with the first sentence
>objective/knowledgeable critiques of pitchfork articles past
shit, cat. that's not true at all

this woman wrote the fiona apple review, these were her tweets the night before

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It's cool to be a fan but why broadcast that kinda shit

p4k is brooklyn college kids who want to be the voice of the working musician, never had a struggle in their life. I don't need liberal arts rich kids lecturing me about their social and political beliefs

Mentally ill women reviewing mentally ill women's music. What else is new on p4k.
No one actually gives a shit about the review though, just the score, and that's an aggregate based on several staff's scores, they just picked crazy over here to write the review because she's off the wall passionate about apple.

Based Azealia

based black pede

Quality albums

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She's right.
And her music objectively sucks.

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Holy fuck this doubles as some high quality cringe

true some more.
here is the 1999 version of pitchfork's (which included ott) best of the 90s list

Attached: Pitchfork's 100 best albums of the 90s 1999 list.png (3546x2800, 2.93M)

bad bait. Everyone knows azealia is a god


Um no. Fantasea has a couple decent tracks that didn't even age well.

>3 stereolab albums

Damn, I didn't expect to see PUP on there

The dream is over came out in 2016

Wait, that album came out in like 2016


Attached: ott.png (1920x1080, 1.57M)

didn’t say her discography is perfect but her debut album and 1991 EP are definitely TOP tier. Fantasea mixtape is actually really good and it was also really influential in culture

it can't be a pitchfork 10.0 without cringe. i had never even seen....

>really influential
Um no, again. Its a hip-house caricature produced by a bunch of washed-up cheesy producers.


That is the most B A S E D taste I've ever seen

Today they would fuck it up by saying "hurr durr not enough black women and rap and needs a Selina album for the beaners" and so forth. The '99 list is based as hell.

I remember when Pitchfork reviews used to be based in objective music theory

I thought it was pretty common knowledge that the writers don't decide on the score? even besides the point, a perfect 10.0 would have to go through so many checks to actually get published

There’s more than music to it you massive retard.

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this, they've always been 22 year olds with English degrees

actually cringe'd