ITT: Minimalist album covers

ITT: Minimalist album covers

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I dont think most of you'll guys know what minimalism is

Lol what is it if it isn't what is posted itt?

Attached: pinkflag.png (812x812, 512.49K)

Is this a new epic maymay?

This is the most minimal cover of all time

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why do musicians start shitloads of projects playing basically the same music

very minimalist, very brutalist too, also nietzsche-esque and draws from cubism


V-Viper, is that you?

i am so minimalist that i dont need minimalism

Minimalist ≠ good, not that anyone said it is

Attached: LCD_Soundsystem_-_American_Dream.png (300x300, 146.07K)

Minimalism is supposed to use vast shapes of solid colour and empty space. Like this pic. Just google 'minimalist painting'. I have no idea what kind of ignorant shit you guys are on no offence.

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That maiden cover is way more minimalist. It has 2 colours.

>blue, red, yellow, brown, black, green,white

thats pretty minimalist user, but I think I got you beat

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aw shit I didn't expand the image. I guess it's not.

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for those who can't see it anymore

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Its not even about how many colours you use Its about simple bare MINIMUM detail. you're all retarded im out

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kill yourself my man

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shit its the first time i saw people are going upstairs
so when they enter a building they will see his cock
they all are supposed to suck it i guess

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