>working my ass off to become a famous musician
>just going to get cancelled by one of the thots i treated like shit when i was young and immature
what’s the point
Working my ass off to become a famous musician
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Keep going user, fuck that bitch.
Same. I have great music, but if I ever got famous from it, it's automatically over for me. I groped a few girls when I was at university, and if I ever got even remotely famous, one of them would definitely come and "accuse" me. I'm wondering if I should just fucking kill myself now because there's no chance of me ever having the future I wanted to have.
>I have great music
lets hear
Seriously sucks. I raped a few bitches in uni. If I got famous you just fucking know the twitter goblins would cancel me
So are women pretending they don't go out of their way to sleep with musicians now? Because that's the most ludicrous bunch of bullshit I've ever heard.
LMAO yeah, I'm sure THAT's the reason you're not famous
the lengths people go to rationalize their mediocrity fucking blows my mind
>LMAO yeah, I'm sure THAT's the reason you're not famous
No, that wasn't what I said.
I said that IF I ever started to gain any notoriety from my music, it would be over for me in a matter of months. The twitter dogs would come for me.
>working my ass off to become a famous musician
That's your first mistake right there. You're working to become famous. You should be working to make good music.
Let's hear it.
okay then if you're that worried about it why don't you go back and make amends with these people?
or is it that bad that you deserve your fate?
>why don't you go back and make amends with these people?
They don't want to speak to me anymore. I would apologize, but they don't want it.
Your own fault for being too retarded to care about other peoples feelings. Dumb fucks like you deserve all the misery you bring upon yourself.
Stop ignoring us and post it faggot
>yeah, sorry i groped you at that new years party. i was 16 and never been drunk before
>yeah sorry i was an emotionally abusive asshole when we dated. haha how are you?
yeah that doesn’t work....
post your music
shouldnt have been a piece of shit
Make being an asshole part of your image.
>the absolute state of zoomer sex
God your generation is uptight and boring. I've been sexually assaulted by the legal definition multiple times and didn't mind outside of a slight feeling if annoyance even once. Besides sometimes getting touched when you weren't expecting it can be hot af.
If you raped someone though yeah, don't do that. Sexual "assault" is completely overblown though and 95% of the women that complain about it are just whiners. Plus I guarantee you at least half of them enjoyed it at the time although they'd never admit it. A hot guy grabbing you without asking, as long as it's not awkward cringe or violent, is just sexy. It isn't assault.
This. It works well with reggaeton.
groped a girl at a party when i was 16 and drunk
face fucked my ex when she was drunk so she threw up, but i doubt she remembers that
was a manipulate emotionally abusive boyfriend to at least 3 girls
and someone shared my ex’s nudes on facebook. it wasn’t me but she swore for years it was me, so i’ll probably get blamed for that as well
that’s the worst of it
Dude, if Kanye can still have a career, so can you. Just upplay your dickish persona.
unironically kill yourself
bro don't worry everyone did this just don't be too creepy and you're good.
my creepy ass buddy from college got 14 years tho. to be fair he cummed on sleeping girls faces thats a little extreme
Are you mentally ill? You need to go see a therapist.
>groped a girl at a party when i was 16 and drunk
>face fucked my ex when she was drunk so she threw up
Both of these are okay, you're fine.
And being an asshole bf is something you share with every other guy to ever live. Not a problem. The noods is shitty but if you really didn't do it then you don't need to feel guilty about it.
this makes me feel better. it seems silly to worry about
>Both of these are okay, you're fine.
Actually they're not. That's fucked up. I've never done anything like that in my life and have been with my gf for 6 years. OP is fucked in the head.
No, I'm just not an uptight cunt. Getting your ass grabbed by a guy at a party isn't traumatizing no matter how much you want to pretend it is for internet points.
I feel bad for her then. Sounds like she's dating a faggot.
sounds like you've been single a long time.
have you considered apologizing to these women? do that fuckers
yeah im sure that will get their pussies wet.
>zoomers aren't even allowed to fuck their partner's face without a notary and contract present
Also I'm married, thanks for asking.
i'm 30 nice try though.
>dating a girl for six years
>too afraid to fuck her face
Yeah, poor girl. She is dating a faggot. Are you too scared to ask her to marry you too bitch boi?
I have no desire to fuck anyones face. Don't believe in marriage. Waste of money and unnecessarily involves gvt.
based sociopath
Keep doing what you're doing, user. As long as you didn't beat or rape the girl, I'll support you all the way.