Remember Sleigh Bells? Remember HEALTH? Remember Crystal Castles? Remember Phantogram? Good times...
Remember Sleigh Bells? Remember HEALTH? Remember Crystal Castles? Remember Phantogram? Good times
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That first sleigh bells album went mad hard
sick product placement. crafty whore
She drinks JD too!
that stuff was mostly pretty vacuous to start with, if you browse through most of the stuff Pitchfork hyped like 10 years ago, it's mostly been forgotten. it's not like chillwave or witch house were ever going to develop into anything substantial
Alice was hardcore alchy, don't believe anything she says
i'm sure she does, and due to it being a bigger name label i'm sure she places it even better
isnt witchouse still going
i like this type of music
sounds good imo
>Sleigh Bells
not sleigh bells thouhg... just looked that up for the first time - not good!
remember salem
is it? and does that mean anything? people still make trance that sounds like it was released in 1998, that doesn't mean it has an audience or that anyone cares
Sleigh Bells rock dude
that's one of my favorite videos, I love when heavily hyped flash in the pan critical darlings expose themselves as talentless clowns
Yeah. They were shit.
I haven't listened to a lot lately.
Last I checked out was this:
Any recommendations?
To be fair the mixing is awful and you literally can't hear the drums. The recorded song is pretty okay
what's a good tune?
one i listened to wasnt good
>imagine being this much of a zoomer
Whole first album fkkn slaps
You have 100 Gecs now
i can't know about every band yet
will check it out
thanks, i could get into this
I don't think the mixing is really the problem; all aspects of the performance completely fucking suck, even though the song is idiotically simple. The big thing though is that without all their retarded FL fuckery, there's no hiding the fact that it's just a dopey white guy saying "nigga".
i fucking miss that era so much
post the pic of her in the bath tub with all her dumb goth clothes on
Damn, this hit me. HEALTH is still great, Jessica Rabbit is actually my favorite Sleigh Bells and Three was criminally underrated.
Remember Fang Island?
what one did you listen to? the whole first album is great, and there's a few nice songs on the second (meh as an album however). beyond that they suck. you probably heard a later track.
Remember Japandroids?