This is currently the #1 album of 2020 according to rateyourmusic. What does Yas Forums think?

This is currently the #1 album of 2020 according to rateyourmusic. What does Yas Forums think?

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I haven't even listened to it and probably never will because I already know its shit.

i havent listened to it but the people who made it are transgender therefore i think it sucks

Haven't heard any Black Dresses album and will continue to avoid them at all costs. I don't care if they're trans or not, they get shilled and heavily uprated on there just because they are trans.

virtue signal core

Trips of truth

Did Paysage d'hiver drop in ranking already?

You Will Never Be A Real Woman: The Album.

Its terrible and I've been listening to Black Dresses since 2017

I think I'm not going to listen to it.