This is currently the #1 album of 2020 according to rateyourmusic. What does Yas Forums think?
This is currently the #1 album of 2020 according to rateyourmusic. What does Yas Forums think?
I haven't even listened to it and probably never will because I already know its shit.
i havent listened to it but the people who made it are transgender therefore i think it sucks
Haven't heard any Black Dresses album and will continue to avoid them at all costs. I don't care if they're trans or not, they get shilled and heavily uprated on there just because they are trans.
virtue signal core
Trips of truth
Did Paysage d'hiver drop in ranking already?
You Will Never Be A Real Woman: The Album.
Its terrible and I've been listening to Black Dresses since 2017
I think I'm not going to listen to it.
I got memed into Love and Affection for Stupid Little Bitches by them and that was exactly what I was thinking after I finished listening to it. What a genuinely god awful excuse for a band.
so how does RYM work? shouldn't they factor in the number of ratings?
so an unknown album with one good rating is #1? it's retarded and causes stupid threads like this to exist.
come back in a month when it is forgotten
seethe more incel dicklets
also devi has said negative xp level cancellable shit on twitter many times like the kind of stuff where you kind of think she's probably on a watchlist and i didn't take screenshots or even really care personally but its going to come up if she gets too popular
show huge fem peen Ada
Why do SJW's care so much about dick size? Isn't that "body shaming". Also most men don't really care about dick size, it's more just joking around / taking the piss.
I'm a lesbian cis woman. You're the incel taking estrogen pills. You'll never be a real female. Cope.
Fuck off TERF
I think trannyspam needs to be a bannable offense on Yas Forums
What music do you listen to?
based gender critical feminist
gtfo AGP fetishist coomer, go back to your tranny porn sites
It really does. I try to just report threads where someone posts 100 Gecs with some trollbait.
there is no hope anymore. at this point, all the major boards are infested with trannies, although that seems logical. all the incel losers that lurked Yas Forums became trannies
Based as fuck TERF sending the trannies home
if the word tranny is mentioned in a thread by anyone delete the entire thread even if it wasn't the op. problem solved
nothing wrong with TERF
even if you cut off your dick you will never have to worry about giving birth to children and the pressure that that puts on someone. that's a non-issue for you and a huge life-changing issue for others. you are actually being a fucking ass by claiming that those people don't get to claim their own space for their issues and have to listen to your entirely non-related should-i-or-shouldn't-i-cut-my-own-dick-off issues.
It's not officially out so they removed it from the charts until an official release. It's still got a 4.04 at 387 ratings
It's going to be fiona apple within a day or two
Black dresses is excellent and the score is well deserved
Sounds like she's pretty based