I made a general because this is getting out of hand.
Discuss the album here and don't make any more threads please.
I made a general because this is getting out of hand.
Discuss the album here and don't make any more threads please.
>he wasn't around the last time p4k gave out a 10/10 BNM
I will not listen to this album no matter how hard it is shilled here
fuckn nerd
You’re doing gods work son
I feel like I could write a believable, masturbatory review of this album after reading over that p4k garbage and I've only heard the opener.
Wasn't much of a fan, by the way.
I joined in 2013, so no. But i'm no stranger to people constantly making new threads. Its annoying as hell
Misogynistic prick
Redpill me on Fiona Apple. What has she accomplished? So far this album sounds like 50 y/o Billie Eilish
This album will be forgotten by next month
07 fag here. Dark fantasy was perhaps the biggest shit storm to ever hit Yas Forums. So big it subsequently killed the board. Shit storms are healthy for a board though. Just wait it out
Of course. It's misogynistic instead of plebs getting a hard-on because a more mainstream artist dabbled in light avant-garde again.
Literally could be listening to any other female artist or even Fiona's previous works.
you literally don't know what it sounds like if you haven't listened to it
Pitchfork writers have the amazing ability to be an outlier in their pretentiousness even in a cesspit like music journalism. What does this even mean? Society is bullshit? Society is just a universal constant in human culture. It's something that just is. You might as well say that rocks or trees or the wind is bullshit.
What a retarded fucking opener. Do people actually go through 4 years of school to be journalists? You've gotta be a real failure to go through with that.
>caring about P4K
KYS fag
what's Scruffy going to rate when he gets around to it in about a month or so?
I hope it gets a 7 and people shut the fuck up about it because if he gives it a 5, there will be just as many threads about it with shit like:
>Based scruffy btfos roasties
And if it gets an 8 there will be threads made by the same people saying that it’s a masterpiece all of a sudden/people saying Scaruffi has no credibility
oh my god my thread is in the cap, im so happy :)
>i want you do love me
hah wow she wants to be loved so bad that she starts making babbling noises, wow that's really original
hah! WOW! umm.... is that um... is that um... sorry if um this sounds like i'm assuming too much but umm... wow is that um... an African American person's name!!!!! WOW! That is so progressive that fiona had a friend like her! that is so progressive! she is not a racist, that's for sure!
>fetch the bolt cutters
wow! she was a young person once when she was younger and she didn't yet understand social structures and human interaction yet, because well, she was young! wow! THIS IS REALLY WILD STUFF!
>under the table
woah... so you're telling me that she has had relationships that have involved minor disagreements? that's fucking insane. this is some next-level music.
wow that's so terrible that she's not the most popular and attractive person ever, i feel so sorry for her -_-
>rack of his
lmao dude what if men got objectified like women do????? WOW! OH MY FUCKING GOD MY MIND IS BLOWN BY THE EXTREMITY OF THIS SOCIOPOLITICAL COMMENTARY! oh and also nothing women do is their own fault, everything is men's fault, by the way.
we could have been like bestiessss for liiifffeeee if it wasn't for that EVIL man!!!!!
i just can't go any further. this album was made for teenage girls yet it's made by a 40 year old woman. i can't waste any more time with this, i tended to get to the end but i can't do it
WTP is her best album
do you really want to be unique this desperately
Caring what an old Italian faggot thinks makes you objectively worse.
God what fags
I Have, and he's right, Bland "indie" """Avant""" Bullshit,it's not really avnt-garde it just pretends to be. Literally Listen to Nico or Bjork if you want a Good Experimental/Avant Female Artist
You can deconstruct every album like this and make it sound bad.
No one's obliged to donate anything or delay the release of a artistic project because of some flu that's a menace to boomers.
its like if billie eilish was good