king gizzard and the lizard wizard are going to drop a concert movie in less than an hour is anyone else planning on watching?
King gizzard and the lizard wizard are going to drop a concert movie in less than an hour is anyone else planning on...
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gonna be at work so im going to miss the initial 5 hours of release which sucks. hopefully there will be a pirated version available when i return
it's available for 24 hours! also someone is guaranteed gonna record it and upload it
cant find a link to see it without having to put card details in
fuck you have to rent it?
before the world went to shit this was supposed to be a theater release so think of it like buying a movie ticket. its sucks that you can only rent it but im sure somebody will upload a torrent
That's a good way to look at it. I don't really mind supporting them.
i'm planning on stealing the audio version so it equals out
It was good. Was mostly a highlight reel of their concerts, but it was a cool highlight reel.
I was going to but it won't let me rent it on my roku or xbone. I'll be damned if I'm gonna watch it on my laptop or fucking phone.
just log into vimeo using the edge browser on xbox thats how I watched it
You're right, I'm watching now and inner cell fucking rips
that entire polygondwanaland section blew my mind I regret not seeing them live when they were smaller
>king gizzard and the lizard wizard
What blew my mind was Wah Wah fitting perfectly into the river.
>funny, I laugh
whats the setlist? do they play anything from paper mache
I see Eric occasionally. He catches the same tram as me. Is there anything you would like me to ask him Yas Forums?
ask him when they're gonna make a full on doom album
Ask him about the nonagon movie if you want to be ignored.
>unironically using rageface memes
go back to 9gag
Almost finished and I love it. Very Floyd in Pompeii.
They do a bit of Sense.
full setlist here:
Any one see themselves? The guy in front of me jerked his head back and they got a nice shot of my teeth digging into his scalp
video rip when?
I've seen enough of their current setlist i dont wanna see it anymore
seethe dilate incel tranny
They're working on more jazz, more microtona music ('m assuming FMB vol 2), and an electronic album.
it would be really interesting to see them do more with the electronic sound they had in the later half of F4F Tyson Crying is one of my favorite releases of the year so far
anyone got a rip?