Imagine not only thinking Fall Out Boy is an obscure band, but also feeling that they are so good, that you will not associate with anyone who doesn't feel the same way.
Imagine not only thinking Fall Out Boy is an obscure band, but also feeling that they are so good...
That makes me want to never listen to Fall out boy. Are they good?
I dunno, never heard of them
I'd fuck her
boring pop punk with way more pop than punk. save yourself the trouble, go listen to something else
she fat tho
she's 18 and a woman, don't expect too much. i'm always pleasantly surprised when woman like pop punk/emo as it's a step up from the usual absence of taste or hangovers from the last randomer she was hung up on (bonus points for twice her age and listens to dadrock).
Really don't care, dude. Go post this on Yas Forums or on Twitter or something.
yea she's a slampig
I apologize, God. I will remove this post immediately
I love Fall of Troy
so Yas Forums, what is you best pickup line?
What bands she listens to?
what the fuck is that
homina homina
>im unemployed
she'd fair well in the mines
Bros .....
*jaw drops*
*eyes pop out of head*
*tongue rolls out*
*picks up jaw*
*fixes eyes*
*rolls up tongue*
*buries face in ass*
yes. best vocals in the genre. start from their first lp.
Death by Snu Snu
No, Fall Out Boy are not any good.
I probably would too.
This. It doesn't belong in Yas Forums.
This reddit/twitter word is getting overused here, and it's fucking annoying.
Do that.
"I want to fuck the red out of your hair."
Do sasquatch women even listen to music?
Nah, she's too tall, and she's clearly too heavy to rescue if there's a fire or if the roof bolts fail. She wouldn't fit on a personnel carrier, anyway.
That pasta is pretty stale.
Hnnnnnnnnnnnnnng in love
I suspect she is beyond "likings music" in the way we understand it. She is a goddess
what's your fucking problem, man?
it's called having a personality. maybe you should try it sometime user. I know normal people are insufferable but atleast they do things.
hahaha what a retard.
cry more manlet
Thank you, smart and handsome vigilante for saving the Yas Forums!
you are a Fall Out Boy sympathizer