What does he listen to?

What does he listen to?

Attached: MV5BMGY4YTM1YTItYmZhMS00NDg5LWIyOTItYjZhMmJkYTgwOTBiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDkzNTM2ODg@._V1_.jpg (269x384, 10.19K)

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Fiona Apple

Hes an elitist pseud so probably something to pretend he has good taste when hes really just another sheep.

Soviet earrape videos

Rubber Soul

his eternal nasal drip

Jeff Mangum's wife directed one of his films.

Also I think he said he likes Rammstein

Attached: file.png (640x465, 727.32K)


toilet sounds

Wagner and early Schoenberg, apparently

Jeremy Barnes who played with NMH also did the music for the film


Prolly some tweaky idm while he fiddles with his nose



Attached: Screenshot_20200417-144721_Chrome.jpg (1079x613, 299.94K)

Probably Oloff

Attached: tiger king BTFO.png (474x699, 51.71K)

Industrial and EBM

I don’t think he listens to music

What do you think Zizek would say about Billie Eilish?

How are you not tired of shilling your shitty music for years

The sound of his own farts like every pretentious leftist shill faggot.

nah he's a classicalfag. based philosopher, shit taste in music. he has very long lectures and portions of his books where he goes on and so on about xyz classical composer, why wagner is a nazi but still listenable, you know based shit like that. he emphasis in multiple places his extreme love for music, but that he think ultimately it fails to reach the epistemological heights that philosophy does, but it's still pretty deep, which is why he has an extreme distaste towards young ppl "kitsch" he calls it, he has several places where he talks about what kitsch actually is and why its important/what purpose it serves.

t. philosophyfag that has read way too much zizek.
(ps: if you like philosophy and you read zizek it pretty much ruins philosophy for you, as you have an answer/critique toward literally every other philosopher that you read, which is a good thing, but i think distorts a modern->postmodernism philosophical ontology. modernism is WAY different when you start at a postmodern position and "learn backwards" so to speak. it's like having a really amazing novel, and reading the last act first, then rereading it from the start. which ive oddly done probably more than once, i can only recall as mice and men though, its not bad, but its a very different experience. it made the entire thing much more tragic and sad. in a similar note its like the experience of zizeks brand of phsychoanalysis/dialectical materialism, without having believed (for real believed, not passively) in christianity, then stopped believing, but still wanting to be apart of the church and "god" etc (or even going back and reading all the footnotes) it modifies the way that you understand it without altering the "code" encrypted in the text itself.

The sound of right wing children crying

komm susser tod

Is that Anne Frank?

>why wagner is a nazi but still listenable, you know based shit like that.
>but that he think ultimately it fails to reach the epistemological heights that philosophy does

Zizek is cringe. He´s like the leftist version of that prat Jordan Peterson. What he listens to? Cant imagine him having any good taste.


It's quite funny how this thread gets to stay up, but if you post this exact thing with a right-wing person (somebody did this with Trump earlier) the thread gets immediately 404'd.


"Let me begin with the standard stupid question: if I were allowed to take only one
piece of music to a lone island, which one this would be? For decades, my answer has
been the same: Arnold Schoenberg’s Gurrelieder, What makes Gurrelieder really unique is
a mirroring between its musical line and the history of music itself: the shift from the
late-romantic Wagnerian heavy pathos to atonal Sprechgesang is rendered in the very
progress of the piece."
