Be me

>be me
>wake up
>see Yas Forums spamming about some bitch getting a 10
>notice it's some old Jewish bitch
>notice all the reviews are from libtard cucks
>notice all the reviews are pretentious trash
Oy vey you stupid fuckin goys, you claim to be based but still suckle on the teet of Pitchfork and ride the dick of fantano. Anyone who reinforces their opinion using critiques is an insecure fucking loser.

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Ok frognigger you are new get it

>Ok frognigger you are new get it
Holy Fuck i guess I didn't know how fucking retarded you onions are. Maybe learn to write a gotdamn coherent sentence before you start talking about music

>t. electionnigger


shit thread, dork.

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It's Just simps lusting over some used up slut, type sage and move on.

So edgy, so thoughtful but I could guess that from the magnificent frog you posted that represents your intellectual yet quirky personality

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>imagine being a poltard discussing contemporary music
the sheer cognitive dissonance

>So edgy, so thoughtful but I could guess that from the magnificent frog you posted that represents your intellectual yet quirky personality

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high quality thread

>1 post ID
>inb4 no ID

I don’t understand how anyone takes pitchfork seriously. They’ve very obviously taken kickbacks to give good scores to pop music.


imagine posting one of these in every active thread. you must be very smart.

>imagine posting one of these in every active thread. you must be very smart.

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AHAHAHA he's mad!

Imagine being so insecure, that not only are you praising an album solely on an arbitrary rating from a known biased review site, but you also fell for bait that was just to show how insecure you really are.
Dialite and Seethe you fucking cucks

How about you give it a listen and inform your opinions before shitting up the board. Eh, faggot?

based, AWAW BTW

never even listened to it. don't even know what Fiona Apple's voice sounds like.
stop posting this shit.

Jews control Yas Forums now

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>Jews control Yas Forums now

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>good, the goy doesn't suspect anything

Cry more lmao

Name even one Jew that controls Yas Forums
>You literally can't

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Yeah Fiona Apple fan here I can name one:

have sex incel

boring. get a new schtick

>pitchfork is a Jewish corporation
Get your thinking cap on

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ok simp

kek at the Yas Forumscel butthurt
based fiona

And how are they "controlling" Yas Forums
Just because they rated an album 10/10 and people are discussing that fact because it is a noteworthy rating? This CLEARLY means they now control Yas Forums. Get YOUR thinking cap on.