ITT: albums that an artist has disowned even though they're good

ITT: albums that an artist has disowned even though they're good

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weezer (blue)
or as rivers likes to call it

Mainly because of the cassette album cover.

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what the fuck, isn't that their best selling and most critically acclaimed one?

I know he despises Pinkerton, but the blue album too?

to be fair this was during his maladroit phase
rivers is ace

>waaah waaaah validate my self-pity by saying that my most popular album is shit
Cuomo reminds me of me


I like it even though it's nothing like their usual music

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>it's the "artist makes a softer/more electronic album than usual and is accused of selling out by everyone" episode again

When did they disown thsi?

How can he even say this and go on to release true Disney-gay like fucking Make Believe and Raditude kek.

maybe his best. everything that followed is unlistenable garbage

The early Kraftwerk records despite being some of their best

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i think they forgot they exist

Their only good album. Can't stand Holmes' pathetic growling and they never had better melodies than on here.


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perhaps not disowned but disparaged / trivialized

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it's melon, his 6/10 got into kanye's head

i find it hilarious that despite making some of the best music of the 21st century he has completely shit taste

Kraftwerk's basically disowned their first 3 albums (calling them "juvenilia" or something) and never reissued them ever since.
fuck, they are my favorite of the band.

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>probably the greatest rock double album ever recorded
>"it's not a very good album"
Why Mick can't see it?

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disowned? I remember in the autechre ask anything they said that the older stuff was just more simple, that's all.

i think he mainly had problems with how it sounds - production and mixing

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the first few Pink Floyd albums.

they have only disowned the cover, I saw an interview where most of the band said this was their favorite record

I would disown that cover art.

Awwwww,dey do' wanno be sexissss

atom heart mother in particular always got a lot of flak from gilmour and waters

they came around again tho

>In 2008, Rob Brown described listening to Incunabula and Amber again, and commented on "how cheesy they were, and how contrasted our newer ideas are."
>Brown clarified his statement in 2013, explaining that the comment "was easily misinterpreted" and that he simply intended to say that the earlier albums "were perhaps more simple [than their more recent work], but not in a shit way."

i dont think its a sexism issue I think the cover just sucks