Chubby pregnant GRIMES

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actually cute
too bad she’s a retard capitalist pig now

She looks less like a crack whore now.
She's just ugly, not scrawny and ugly.

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capitalism is good

for the 1%

bump because grimey > apple lady

Grimes has no power here during the applocalypse

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Elon is like a self-aware parody of the culture he’s trying to imitate while he tries as hard as he can to not be aware of himself. Its bafflling.

imagine the redditors that defended this

the absolute consoomtion of this

Elon is the only billionaire who should be spared on the day of the rope. He unironically wants to help humanity move forward.

This is the only photo I've seen of her that she's attractive in

>upper-middle class kids having a tantrum because another upper-middle class stopped playing pretend
Pink/rainbow/"alternative"/whatever-the-fuck-capitalism and identity politics aren't anti-capitalism you morons. You have nothing to do with the real working class and you never will.
Just appreciate chubby fairy Grimes and stfu.

she looks different in every photo I've ever seen of her

no, for everybody

>He unironically wants to help humanity move forward.
So does Bill Gates. Now vaccinate your kids.

>blocks your path

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this is the final boss of cute grime pics

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i hate myself for missing that show. i went to the stage next to her, chance the fucking rapper

Not yet. This is the ultimate boss in cuteness.

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wow she definitley had lip fillers her lips have doubled

Good for Grimes for living her live to the max. Also good for her for triggering the horde of Yas Forums incels from basements who hate(d) her and couldn't accept that she is great and an accomplished human being. She still makes great music and that is awesome.

Not even close m8

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Beat this is you can

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Why preggo women are so perfect and cute?

damn she looks like a scandinavian fairy here

in awe at the size of this grimes


It's the nose spread and the 'glow' effect.

Thoughts on zombie Grimes?

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so you dont generally feel attracted to pregnant women user? Im afraid I have bad news for you sonny "boy"