>Lingua Ignota
And now Apple. Why are women dominating music since a decade? What’s the equivalent male solo artist nowadays? Father John Misty? Kek. Can men even compete?
Serious discussion, why can’t men?
because you cut out all the male artists probably?
>Why are women dominating music since a decade?
Huh? There's one (1) female songwriter on pic related
kanye west
everybody below this line is gay
>men calling themselves Girls better than literal girls
and that's why I'm gay
Those albums cannot even compete. The artist listed in the OP release highbrow shit that isn't really compatible with the band format. In this sense, band can never compete with singer/songwriter because the latter's music has a very personal component that the band can never have due to being composed of several people
Men can't into art.
There are only three good albums in this image.
they are dominating now that music is at an all time low
Just to add, this is actually one of the main reasons why rock died or is dying and rap came on top. Nobody wants to listen to bands anymore. People want to get a sole artist's artistic vision and raw emotion. Band's can't provide this. Too impersonal.
So, back to topic. Why can't men? Who is the Arthur Russell of our time?
because men aren't attention craving egoistical beasts
you sound like a massive faggot. Anyway here's a bunch of stuff from the 2010s done by solo males that are all 8s or better, where as this new Fiona album was a 7
what would that even matter if the music is good?
>People want to get a sole artist's artistic vision and raw emotion. Band's can't provide this. Too impersonal.
you are an absolute retard
ok maybe Sun Kil Moon
>Tame Impala
>Death Cab
oh im laffin
good for today's standards, sure
Weyes Blood too
Based. Most singer-songwriting albums sound like indulgent messes because of this, they don't know when to go all out and when to reign it in so everything sounds amorphous and unfocused. Most people who purport to have a "vision" usually have just a half-formed idea murking around in their brain somewhere.
let me guess what your favorite albums are:
>Carly Rae Jepsen
>Ariana Grande
you have a feminine penis, dont you
You should sleep, Natalie.
>Andrew Bird over Fiona Apple
That's just a bad take.
Other shits not good except Jim Wise
>Tame Impala
>>Andrew Bird over Fiona Apple
>That's just a bad take.
No I am not. I am speaking about perception here. The fact that that album is released by The National, a band, and not by [first name] [last name] already means that people won't be able to connect as much as if it was a solo artist. It's a psychological thing. Think of it this way: if for some reason The National gave a concert in your room only for you, it would be much less personal as if Nick Drake played some songs for you, only him, his guitar and you
And yes, I know that solo artists have session musicians, producers, etc. But still
> The fact that that album is released by The National, a band, and not by [first name] [last name] already means that people won't be able to connect as much as if it was a solo artist. It's a psychological thing
You have autism.
He's too precious dawg
Women are whores. Plain and simple. They whore out everything from their bodies to their emotions. Their sole purpose is to be cumdumpsters and nothing more. No woman can ever create honest and moving art of any form. And before some tranny or spineless "man" replies to me, here's my response:
>Neck yourself
literally who?
I hate her voice, and her "songwriting" which is garbage.
What you just described is perhaps the reason why singer/songwriter can usually tower over band artistically. Not always, though. I agree. But solo artist is what people want nowadays. So if you're in a band, stop losing your time and go solo.
yeah the first one beats Apple