Bow down to the AOTD

Bow down to the AOTD

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holy macaroni

Fiona Kino confirmed

Holy kino

Its real holy shit

This review is so cringe, fucking Pitchfork

This would've been a huge deal 10 years ago.

>The game is rigged, power corrupts, and society is, in a word, bullshit. Art can expose the lies. The early music of Fiona Apple was so much about grand betrayals by inadequate men and the patriarchal world.

>Apple has said John Lennon was her god, and she wrote lyrics and melodies on par with the finest pop songs ever recorded. But Fetch the Bolt Cutters feels more conceptually akin to the revolutionary risk-taking of saint Yoko Ono


>It happens to most of us at an early age: the realization that life will not follow a straight line on the path towards fulfillment. Instead, life spirals. The game is rigged, power corrupts, and society is, in a word, bullshit. Art can expose the lies. The early music of Fiona Apple was so much about grand betrayals by inadequate men and the patriarchal world. Did it teach you to hate yourself? Did it teach you to bury your pain, to let it calcify, to build a gate around your heart that quiets the reaches of your one and only voice? Fetch the bolt cutters.


kek, didnt think id see the day again, and if i did id have thought theyd give it to a black trans queer artist

this is the first 10 since MBDTF right?


pitchfork must be close to shutting down if they're doing this shit

an NYU journalism grad residing in Brooklyn. These people are beyond parody at this point lol

woah that's crazy
didn't think this would ever happen again

yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo holy shit this is important

5 years ago I would have found it important too but P4K is a parody of its formal self

That's actually a kind of nice sentiment. My cold heart has warmed slightly.


Ok I can't say anything about the album but that's a fucking awful album cover

i haven't been on Yas Forums in probably 6 years but came back here for this history. expected to see pages and pages of reaction and hype but seems like no one cares that much? not sure if letting go of p4k hype is good or bad but this board seems markedly less fun

there's only 40 people left on this board bro

everyone left years ago


This is the first 10 Pitchfork has given to a woman on initial release.

LMAO it's the same girl who did the lana review

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I browse rarely on here anymore, I came back right now assuming it would be a shit show for the 10/10. More shocked by how tame it is


it sounds pretty generic

>There’s considerable power in how Apple entertains so many of these wild, inexhaustible impulses. “Don’t you, don’t you, don’t you, don’t you shush me!” she chips back on “Under the Table.” She will not be silenced. That’s patently clear from the start of Fetch the Bolt Cutters. In gnarled breaths on its opening song—feet on the ground and mind as her might—Apple articulates exactly what she wants: “Blast the music! Bang it! Bite it! Bruise it!” It’s not pretty. It’s free.

Pitchfork has been a joke website for several years. No one takes their opinion seriously anymore, that's why you haven't heard anything.

> Caligula an 8.1
> this shit a 10

Dude I genuinely don't know what p4k is doing anymore. Fire her.

this makes actually a lot of sense

anyone else still here from the time when MBDTF was 10.0'd?
I thought we'd never see another 10.0 in our lifetime

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QUICK! Stream this shit so it will have a real impact on the charts.

a fucking high school grad with decent grades could do their job

Genuinely thought TPAB would be a ten from them, all things considered at the time. The only other album I thought last decade pitchfork would have gave a 10 would be AMSP

I haven't been on Yas Forums in years, but I remember the MBDTF controversy. I came down here as soon as I heard the P4K 10. I haven't listen to this album yet.


Honestly on Yas Forums for the first time in years. It's happening. Fucking nuts.

It’ll wind up at #2 somehow

And damn them for putting this review out before I even got to hear it

How about another joke Fiona?

That was fast

I feel p4k shot their load way too late. They've loss too much cultural relevant since 2010. This is just another good review.

keep in mind this JUST happened. People are still posting asking where it leaked when it's already on spotify