What happened to punk music?

What happened to punk music?

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Weakest bait I've seen all day.

going against the grain is too dangerous to actually do now so leftist punks just pretend to for $$$

punk rock was always about social justice. did you forget about dead kennedy’s nazi punks fuck off

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>dead kennedy’s
praise kek

i thought that was an idles song

lmao those were photohopped by jews
nigga nazis are a meme

punk has always been full of good people. your disgusting drunk uncle liking incel music isn't punk.
fuck you. those aren't real punks. those guys are just assholes. read again

idk it's from 70s

that's why I still just listen to fear youtu.be/BaXu-x8Ajok

you would know that they wore the swastika for shock value. punk rock was also about being provocative.

Couple things before you ignorantly post this
>that was for shock value
>once they saw that they were attractive actual skinheads they stopped and denounced their skinhead fans
>most regret doing it at all

punk was never about accepting racism/sexism/homophobia/whatever there is extensive proof of this going back to the 70s

Old people shit is for FUCKING retards like actual literal special ed shit

distrokid.com/hyperfollow/sloppyfolk/its-live it's folk now

ever since i heard jpegmafia say they're his favorite punk band i cant stand them
nxp and idles are the only genuine punks


fuck are you gonna do kick over a trash can

yall niggas is green day
Go listen to shoegaze that more your speed

Punk is about questioning status quo conventional wisdom wether or not that happens to be a statement about any issue in particular is irrelevant

all you nazi niggas is female colimbiners based

punk is about being based and if you dont know what that means go kick a trash can

>What happened to punk music?
sjws are the corniest people who will never accept that they are the furthest thing from cool in mmodern society. what happened is blindness from the left who happens to own the music industry

nope. especially if it's about something absolutely horrible like racism, punks don't stan any discrimination.

shut the fuck up corny ass

>punk rockers wear and sing about provocative imagery
>stop doing it
>punk immediately turns to shit
Hmmm yes, you do have a point user

puck is about being the coolest 4channeller

I have no idea who any of those 3 names are and and you're a fag for not liking a good band because one of them also likes them

i only provoke niggers and crackers and americans are not real people

you're not punk i just provoked you go kick a trash can

By that logic WW2 was about social justice as well

lefties think being punk is towing the line for the left. the blindness there is an unending irony


punk is about being as alternative as one can possibly be, faggots and americans made it about social justice and shit like that

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