/gg/ - guitar and bass general

no edition

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If digits I spend my coronabux on this


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Solo to this backing!

You're fucked

Isn't playing guitar kind of embarrassing at this point? Seems like being seen with a guitar just makes you "that guy" in people's minds

Trips and I upload the neo-soul book to the discord

Only if you're a wigger Zoomer faggot

Just bought it. Yolo

Lmao sorry being late, nice of you not being a poor ape



I'm pretty sure that if you're unmarried and want to go to one of those Christian "reclaim your virginity" ceremonies, the first thing they have you do is buy one of those

Post your whatevers.

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Anyone know of any gear manufacturers who are owned/operated by POC? I had a friend point this out and I cannot think of a single company or builder.

Not b8 please be nice

I bought a custom guitar from Cristian Mirabella. He's an old school Cholo that started making amazing Archtop Jazz Guitars, honestly some of the best around. There's lots of Hispanic Luthiers around, don't know of any blacks though.

Attached: mirabella.jpg (600x867, 232.72K)

Yamaha, Takamine

Thanks! Yeah, my friend was specifically talking about pedal builders, that is even more narrow :(

drunk as a skunk and sweating in some southern heat

i'd like to request some delta blues.


fuck my shit up senpai

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Any tips to get Marty's Tornado of Soul tone aside from his hands. I've been digging around and I see some of the gear he uses like a Tubescreamer that I have, but the only trouble I have with the tone are the mids kinda and the high strings. No matter what tone I do the high strings always sound exactly the same.

that's it
hit me

Thinking of grabbing a Chase Bliss brothers, but my money hungry mind can't get over spending that much so soon after buying a whole new guitar. Anyone here have experience with it? I probably dont need it, but we know how GAS works.

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Devi Ever chopped his dick off and peddles different iterations of the same fuzz pedal over and over again. Is that diverse enough?

Here's what happens when people buy modelers or multi fx units: they spend an entire month fiddling with settings and watching videos to figure out ways to achieve a specific sound. Fast forward another week, and they have 3 settings saved that was achievable with the gear they thought they would be replacing when they bought it.

What's the best 9-42 strings? Bored of Ernies and Elixirs optiwebs

Sell me the white one

>not 11-50

gtfo of here

DR Pure Blues and NY XL are the only strings I buy now days

>not 10-52

user, you ARE saving up for the upcoming financial crisis to buy cheap good gear, aren’t you?

Optiwebs are the best ones, sorry.

Can't do that, it is pretty essential to me. Love the way it sounds and plays.

Good thing the Brothers isn't a multi effects then? I guess to be fair the closest I get to multieffects is using my MS-3 for some standard pitch shifting and reverb/delay sounds, but I'm just an analog drive/fuzz pedal addict at heart. No multi-effects can replicate that well enough for me.