Something about think of a collection of sounds as being some big thing, some ultimate expression of their being really infuriates me.
This isn't to say I dislike music, but to say that putting the medium on some high pedestal is disgusting. Fuck literally every single one of you that listens to a song and thinks "wow, that changed my life," if you are so easily influenced, then you never truly had a life to begin with.
It's just sounds, have fun with it.
Please post songs that fit the theme of spitting in the face of people that think "real music" is a thing.
I hate every artist that takes music seriously
Other urls found in this thread:
you sound insecure
>paintings are just colors dude
>sculptures are just rocks dude
>paintings are just colors dude
>sculptures are just rocks dude
>implying I don't think of other artistic mediums in the same way.
You sound like a faggy Gen Z kid. Fuck off. People like you are ruining music. "Meme music" is the most insufferable shit I've heard in my 3 decades of life. Just fuck off alredy.
>you sound insecure
>You sound like a faggy Gen Z kid. Fuck off. People like you are ruining music. "Meme music" is the most insufferable shit I've heard in my 3 decades of life. Just fuck off alredy.
go suck mozarts dick
you sound insecure
>you sound insecure
explain how you came to that conclusion
GG Allin is cool. What I don't like is this retarded Gen Z 2010s "meme humor", this post-modern post-ironic bullshit that makes no sense and is just pure absurdism.
>Please post songs that fit the theme of spitting in the face of people that think "real music" is a thing.
what, you mean like every single piece of pop music ever?
Lol I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you're autistic. Music is the universe and the universe is music. Creating is more important than consuming. When we create, we become God. That's why men created art, because they can not give birth.
>Lol I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you're autistic. Music is the universe and the universe is music. Creating is more important than consuming. When we create, we become God. That's why men created art, because they can not give birth.
bro that's some fucking cringe right there
>GG Allin is cool. What I don't like is this retarded Gen Z 2010s "meme humor", this post-modern post-ironic bullshit that makes no sense and is just pure absurdism.
How is this any different to the back-lash against 80s hair metal that was 90s alt-rock?
>what, you mean like every single piece of pop music ever?
no, because pop artists also take their music seriously. They care so much about the turds they shit out, indifference to the creation is what I want.
All matter is purely energy condensed to a slow vibration. Music is the fundamental manipulation of vibration.
Well now I'm confused about wtf you're trying to say. Because I love 90s alternative, it's my favorite period of music, but there's no way I would say it's "music that didn't take itself seriously". And I fucking hate that Gen Z internet meme music shit you were peddling in the OP.
>Lol I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you're autistic. Music is the universe and the universe is music. Creating is more important than consuming. When we create, we become God. That's why men created art, because they can not give birth.
You are exactly the kind of person I'm referring to, some self-important shit that thinks music has so much more to it than it really does. Unironically, kill yourself.
(the reason for posting this song is because the creators dislike it)
>I want something different, a new attitude towards music that's never been tried before
>posts mainstream alt rock from 30 years ago
>fuck you if you enjoy music like me, the only person to ever listen to music my way
>if you are so easily influenced, then you never truly had a life to begin with
>"real music" isn't a thing
you're an insecure faggot
>>I want something different, a new attitude towards music that's never been tried before
>>posts mainstream alt rock from 30 years ago
I've always thought of the song as satirising 80s hair metal.
Thread of virginity.
>>fuck you if you enjoy music like me, the only person to ever listen to music my way
>if you are so easily influenced, then you never truly had a life to begin with
quoting me sarcastically doesn't disprove my point, a shallow existence is easily swayed by outside forces.
>"real music" isn't a thing
as I previously stated, sarcastically quoting me isn't an argument.
Music, being art, has no objective good or bad, no objective real or fake. It is purely subjective, which means every single type of music in this world is valid.
Go fuck yourself for being so afraid of defining your argument.
>Thread of virginity.
>Well now I'm confused about wtf you're trying to say. Because I love 90s alternative, it's my favorite period of music, but there's no way I would say it's "music that didn't take itself seriously". And I fucking hate that Gen Z internet meme music shit you were peddling in the OP.
my guy, this whole song was made with the core feeling of not caring about the song itself.
Yes, there are nirvana songs that were taken seriously, but because of that overgrown sense of importance the frontman attatched to music, he grieved over the babies he thought deserved more attention than they were receiving. He should've released them without caring if people will or won't listen to them and only because he and his buddies felt a sense of catharsis during the process. Expecting others to give a shit is hidden narcissism mixed with an overgrown Ego.
you don't listen to a song and think "wow that changed my life" you listen to a song/band/album etc.
and over time you realize it has changed your life.
based desu
musicians are stupid
music isn't just sounds though and that shows that you have little understanding of music
but most professional "musicians" also have little to no understanding of music, either, so
This guy encaspulte everything that I want in music.
Making the song because he wants to without truly caring about the impact the song may have.
cool opinion
>music isn't just sounds though and that shows that you have little understanding of music
but most professional "musicians" also have little to no understanding of music, either, so
yeah, I just wanted to emphasise the point. Of course harmony and all that theory stuff makes it more than just sounds, but I don't think it's as ground breaking as so many make it seem to be.