Artist quotes what inspire you to live a better man.
fpbp, based, redpilled, the list goes on...
>idolizing a child molester
I seriously hope you don’t do this OP.
>white power
separate the art from the artist you fucking faggot.
>yeah guys just totally ignore that this guy was a serial abuser of little girls for most of his career
>oh and most of his lyrics are thinly veiled admissions to the fact that he abused little girls
>oh and every time you play his songs you put money in this abuser's pockets
Fuck off.
"The white race deserves to be preserved" - Noah 'Panda Bear' Benjamin Lennox
I've stolen his music
16 is not a child and he didn't molest her
I'm going to stream Science Fiction on Spotify right now just to make you upset.
"I thought she was a sandwich...'til she went spare on me hand!"
>'Women is the nigger of the world'
Lennon, John
I was in a band in the eighties that everybody says they like but they don't actually listen to. I'm a vegan, man! Can you handle this?! Brace yourself, because I'm about to beat you down with my basic bitch political opinions stated with a determined intensity. You won't be able to handle my conventional majority views stated monotonously over some bland hardcore guitar riffs. See, I'm a punk rocker, but I'm old now... old and wise! Being older means I'm smarter even though none of my positions have changed since I was an edgy teenager. Can you deal with that, America?!
I think masculinity is dumb. That's why I make tough guy faces and lift weights and stuff. I'll kick your ass if you like masculinity! I regularly donate to the Southern Poverty Law Center. I really hate southern poverty. Hopefully we can wipe it out one day. See, I'm a white guy, but I can't STAND white guys. This is a brave, bold statement I shouldn't be making, I might lose friends and social capital for saying it. Sorry if that bursts your bubble, honky, but that's just how it's gonna be.
Homosexuality is natural and normal. Someone has to tell you this, America, and it might as well be me. I can handle the shitstorm that'll follow. I have all those muscles and stuff. So I can afford to declare wholehearted support for the revolutionary policies and cultural mores that have been altered, top down, by our elite ruling class. Sorry, you may not have heard this perspective before, so I'm gonna lay it out in simple terms: sodomy feels good and you should try it. Things that feel good are always good and there's no reason not to do things that feel good. There sure as hell isn't any reason to tell people not to do things that feel good, let alone prevent them from doing things that feel good. Even if it gives them AIDS.
I don't know how to interpret this, how much of that statement was ironic?
Incredibly based
>The phrase "woman is the nigger of the world" was coined by Yoko Ono in an interview with Nova magazine in 1969 and was quoted on the magazine's cover. Literary analysts note that the phrase owes much to Zora Neale Hurston's novel Their Eyes Were Watching God,[1] in which the protagonist Janie Crawford's Grandmother says "De nigger woman is de mule uh de world so fur as Ah can see."[2][3] The song describes women's subservience to men and misogyny across all cultures.
>In a 1972 interview on The Dick Cavett Show, John Lennon stated that Irish revolutionary James Connolly was an inspiration for the song. Lennon cited Connolly's statement "the female worker is the slave of the slave" in explaining the pro-feminist inspiration behind the song.[4]
based 50
>Yo watch me masturbate on Skype lmao
>Oh noooes I can't stop watching this man masturbate because he said so I can't close Skype oh nooooooes
If this actually happened, which I even doubt because it's been shown that that girl has serious mental issues and is known to pull this kind of shit all the time and didn't even bother to unearth the "proof", it's still fucking retarded.
holy shit how many levels of irony is this guy on? it genuinely reads like he doesn't actually mean any of it
not to mention the fact that she was 17 at the time and continued the relationship until she was 23. It's not like she was 7 or something.
he seems really likable
Jesse Spacey touched my peepee : (
more like
>waht pawrr
eternally based